Django Microservices
Django Microservices

Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by Umer Malik

In today’s fast-paced digital environment, businesses demand applications that can handle growth smoothly. This is where scalability becomes crucial. It ensures your application delivers optimized performance during higher demands and growth. Web applications built on the traditional monolithic architecture often lead to scalability issues. Django microservices can eliminate these issues and scale your web applications with the rising business requirements, user base, and market demands. 

Django has gained recognition in web development due to its user-friendly nature and robust features. Microservices split a large application into smaller, manageable pieces. Each piece or service runs independently but works together to form the whole application. Combining Django and microservices can help in developing easily scalable and manageable applications. This article will guide you in developing scalable Django applications using microservices for your business in 10 steps.

Understanding Microservices and Django

What are Microservices?

Microservices refer to the architectural style where an application is a collection of small services. Each service is sharp in its function. They run independently, but together, they create a robust application. Microservices allow easy and direct updates and scaling, unlike a monolithic architecture. The shift to microservices brings many benefits. It makes your application more flexible and manageable. Furthermore, it is easier to handle and quicker to update. Hence, it ensures your business stays agile and responsive.

What is Django?

Django is a Python-based web framework that follows the model-template-views architectural (MTV) pattern. Although it was developed by two web developers from the Lawrence Journal-World newspaper in 2003, the Django Software Foundation has been maintaining it since 2008. Today, it is a preferred choice for building efficient and robust web applications. It promotes rapid development and clean, practical design. 

It includes many helpful built-in features and tools for common web development tasks. Furthermore, the active developer community offers many popular Django packages that further streamline the web development process. This means you can focus on developing your app without performing repetitive tasks. Django helps developers go from concept to launch faster, making it a top choice for dynamic, database-driven web applications.

Why choose Microservices for Django?

Traditional Django projects are often based upon a single, unified system known as a monolithic architecture. While this is straightforward initially, it becomes slow, hard to manage, and costly to update as the application grows. Hence, monolithic architecture delays your application’s ability to grow and adapt efficiently. 

Switching to a microservices architecture offers a solution. Some of the reasons for switching to microservices for your Django projects include the following:  

  • Modular structure: Divides the application into smaller, independent services, each focused on a specific function.
  • Enhanced scalability: Enables application growth without the complexities of a monolithic structure, simplifying scalability.
  • Increased flexibility: Allows individual updates and changes to services, reducing the risk of disrupting the entire application.
  • Simplified maintenance: Facilitates easier maintenance, as each microservice can be managed separately and efficiently.

10 Steps to Building Django Applications with Microservices

To build a microservice architecture-based Django application, you need to follow a structured approach. In this section, we will guide you through the ten steps for creating a Django application powered by a microservices architecture. 

1. Setting up the Environment 

Before starting, ensure you have Docker and Docker-compose installed. These tools are crucial for containerizing your microservices.

2. Creating a Django Project

Start by creating a new Django project:

django-admin startproject myproject

cd myproject

3. Containerizing your Django Application

Then, create a ‘Dockerfile’ in your project directory:

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image

FROM python:3.8

# Set environment variables



# Set work directory


# Install dependencies

COPY Pipfile Pipfile.lock /code/

RUN pip install pipenv && pipenv install –system

# Copy project

COPY . /code/

Create a ‘docker-compose.yml’ file to define services, networks, and volumes:

version: ‘3.8’



    build: .

    command: python /code/ runserver


      – .:/code


      – “8000:8000”

4. Splitting your Project into Microservices

Next, decide how to split your project. For instance, if you have a user service and an order service, create two Django apps:

django-admin startapp users

django-admin startapp orders

Containerize each microservice by creating a ‘Dockerfile’ and ‘docker-compose.yml’ file for each.

5. Setting up Inter-service Communication

Choose a communication protocol (e.g., HTTP/REST or AMQP for message queues). For REST, you might use the Django REST framework:

# users/

from rest_framework import viewsets

from .models import User

from .serializers import UserSerializer

class UserViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):

     queryset = User.objects.all().order_by(‘-date_joined’)

     serializer_class = UserSerializer

6. Implementing API Gateways

Implement an API gateway to route requests to the appropriate microservice. This could be a Django app with ‘nginx’ or another reverse proxy.

7. Ensuring Database Isolation

Each microservice should have its database schema. Use separate databases or ensure your schemas are isolated if they share a database.

8. Handling Shared Libraries

If microservices share common code, create shared libraries that can be included in each service.

9. Testing the Application

Write tests for each service. Docker makes it easy to run your entire stack to test interactions between services.

10. Deploying the Application

Deploy each microservice independently. Tools like Jenkins, CircleCI, or GitHub Actions are great for CI/CD pipelines.

Common Pitfalls of Django Microservices Architecture and Strategies to Overcome Them

Django microservices architecture can present the following challenges. Therefore, you must have the right strategies to overcome them effectively.

  • Service discovery issues: Implement a reliable service registry to manage and locate your microservices efficiently.
  • Complex configuration management: Utilize centralized configuration management tools to streamline and simplify this process.
  • Database management concerns: Ensure database independence for each microservice to avoid bottlenecks and ensure smooth scaling.

You can create more resilient and efficient systems by addressing these common pitfalls in Django web application development. You may hire Django developers to address these issues effectively. These professionals will help implement the right practices to eliminate these issues and ensure a performance-optimized application. 

Django Microservices Architecture Best Practices 

You must implement the following best practices to ensure your Django microservices perform optimally. Here are some :

  • Implementing efficient data caching: Reduce database load by caching frequent queries and results.
  • Optimizing database queries: Regularly review and optimize your queries for faster response times.
  • Utilizing load balancing: Distribute traffic evenly across your services to avoid overloading any single service.
  • Monitoring and scaling dynamically: Use monitoring tools to track performance and scale services automatically based on demand.


In summary, Django microservices can significantly elevate the quality and scalability of your web applications. So, considering Django microservices for your future projects is a wise decision. This approach can make your applications more robust and adaptable to change. It is a choice that many successful Django developers are making, and it could be the right one for your team. Transitioning to Django microservices might initially seem challenging, but the long-term advantages are evident. With the right strategy and tools, you can leverage Django microservices to develop more dynamic, efficient, and scalable web applications.