Fixed Deposit vs Mutual Funds

In todays world, using your earnings to make sound investment decisions is very important to secure your future and get returns. You never know what tomorrow brings; being prepared for the future has become more important with so much uncertainty. Investments are the tools that can save you from these uncertainties. 

If you ae also stuck in the puzzle of where to invest, let me give you the right financial advice according to your requirements. This guide will provide an overview of fixed deposits and mutual funds and the best options for investing your money while keeping your financial positions and requirements in mind. 

What is Fixed Deposits? 

A Fixed deposit, or FD, is a financial instrument banks offer their investors at higher interest rates. The interest rates of fixed deposits are generally higher than those of savings accounts. FDs are considered safer investments as they guarantee fixed interest rates without any chance of uncertainty and loss. 

Advantages of Fixed Deposits  

  1. Stable Income 

Fixed deposits offer fixed interest rates, giving investors an exact idea of the yearly and monthly income they will earn from their investments. The fixed deposit interest rates do not change, guaranteeing investors a certain amount without loss. The interest rate on fixed deposits can be calculated by the SBI fixed deposit calculator in just a few clicks. 

  1. Lower Risk 

They are considered safe, low-risk investment plans because fixed deposits have fixed interest rates and do not have market influence. 

  1. Easy investment  

Having a fixed deposit is easy and requires minimal documents like identity, proof, address, proof, passport, size, photos and PAN card. 

  1. Loan advantages 

If you have a fixed deposit, you can take out a loan using the investment amount as collateral to secure loans without prematurely breaking your FDs. 

  1. No Market Influence  

Fixed Deposits do not have any market influence like the stock market and, therefore, have no risk of loss, providing security for their investment amount. 

  1. Secure Capital 

Fixed deposits do not have market influence and are not subject to loss risk. The capital invested in FDs is safe and secure. 

  1. Flexible Tenure 

Fix deposits allow investors to invest their money over various tenure periods that match their financial situation and goals, providing flexibility and freedom to choose their plans. 

What are Mutual Funds? 

Mutual funds are investments of various investors pooled together by managers. They invest in securities of different types. Mutual funds consist of a mix of multiple securities and a portfolio of stocks. Mutual Funds diversify securities with invested money, reducing the risk of loss. 

Advantages Of Mutual Funds 

  1. Tax Benefits  

A Mutual Fund offers tax benefits to its investors. Investors with long-term gains are taxed at a lower rate than short-term gains. 

  1. Affordable  

Mutual funds are affordable, allowing investors to invest a small amount of their monthly income. The amount invested in mutual funds totally depends on the affordability. 

  1. Safe  

Mutual Funds are regulated by SEBI (the Securities and Exchange Board of India), a body responsible for regulating the security market in India. SEBI ensures that money is invested in the right security. 

  1. Transparent 

A record of the investor’s money is provided to the investor by email, specifying how much is placed on our particular stock or security, ensuring transparency of invested information. 

  1. Tracking  

Tracking the performance of SIPs becomes more accessible as the managers manage where and when to invest. They are responsible for performing their best with maximum return. 

  1. Security Diversification 

Mutual funds allow investment in various securities rather than one security, increasing the chances of maximum profit, reducing the risk of loss, and protecting investors’ portfolios. 

  1. Monthly or One-time payment 

Mutual funds are flexible according to investors’ requirements. They can be financed through monthly or one-time payments, Tailoring to investors’ choices. 

  1. Liquid investment. 

Mutual funds allow investors to sell units anytime, offering high investment liquidity. 

Fixed Deposit vs Mutual Funds 

  • FDs offer guaranteed income as they have fixed interest rates, whereas Mutual funds depend on the stocks, and thus, returns vary depending on the market condition. Profits in mutual funds may be higher if the market is high, as they have no fixed or guaranteed returns. 
  • FDs can be withdrawn after a particular period, and in some cases, premature withdrawal is charged, but Mutual funds can be withdrawn anytime without any charges.  
  • Returns from FDs are not affected by inflation, but Mutual funds can be affected by inflation, which is why it is advisable to withdraw the amount when the market is high. 
  • FDs are one-time payments that require the amount to be invested in one go, but mutual funds are flexible and allow SIP or one-time investments. 


While both of these investment options are beneficial, both have different financial goals. Deciding where to invest your hard-earned money can be difficult, but when will your decision be made? Can you change your future? Of course, yes! By creating your investment plans strategically, keep your requirements and goals in mind. These investment options have advantages but unique financial goals and risks. Choose the one that fits sligns with your goals. Take your financial decisions today to make a secure tomorrow. 

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Move-in Fees vs. Security Deposits then visit our Business category.