Hair Styles

Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by admin

Your hair plays an important role in your overall look. It allows you to feel confident and try new Hair Styles, and it’s one of the first things others notice about you. Throughout our lives, our hair goes through changes – it can become thinner or start to recede. This can happen for many reasons, whether it’s being damaged through styling, you’re losing hair through stress, or it’s in your genetics. If you’re suffering from hair loss and it’s having a detrimental impact on your self-esteem, there are ways that you can restore your locks to their former glory, the most permanent solution being a hair transplant in turkey.

Changing your hair from one style to another can be nerve-wracking especially if you’ve had the same long style for a while. Below, we’ll look at what you should expect when deciding to take the plunge and get the chop, and transition from long to short hair.

Benefits of short hair

If you’ve had long hair for a while, maybe you’re thinking it’s time for a change! Cutting it shorter or changing style completely can give you a boost in confidence, but it also comes with a range of other benefits too. Shorter hair tends to be easier to maintain – you won’t have to take as much time to style it as you would with long hair, and you won’t have to use as much heat as you would with washing, drying, and styling, so your hair is likely to be healthier and stronger. Shorter hair can even help to keep you cool in hot weather.

When is the best time?

If you’re a man that’s had long hair for a while, getting the courage to go for the chop is the hardest part. It’s hard to imagine what you might look like with short hair, probably because it’s been so long since you had it! If you’ve made your decision to get rid of the long hair, make an appointment before a holiday, or at the start of the weekend so that you can get used to your new hair before showing it off at work or to your friends. This will help you come to terms with the change and allow you to get used to it before hearing what everyone else has to say.

How to choose the best style

So, you’ve decided that you want to cut your hair – how do you know which style would suit you best? When deciding on your new style, you should think about what’s appropriate, as well as Hair Styles that suit your face shape. For example, if you work in an office, a short, neat hairstyle may be best to show that you are professional. Here are a few ways that you decide on a new haircut.

Ask your barber

There is no one better to ask for advice than a barber. Cutting your hair is a big deal, especially when you’ve been growing it for so long. Discuss with your barber what you’re thinking when it comes to style and length, and they will be able to give you a better idea of whether it will suit your face shape, and how difficult it will be to maintain. They’re the experts, so use their advice to help you think of some great ideas!


If you already have an idea in mind, researching the style and taking photos and ideas to the barbers with you can be a huge help. There are so many Hair Styles and looks online that you can recreate, and it’s easier than trying to explain what you want. Doing your research and finding a style that you think would look great on you means you can get your barber’s opinion before you take the plunge!

Apart from this, if you are interested to know about Fashion Tips for Women then visit our Fashion category.