IT jobs. The income of an IT-ist employee. Skills required for the job.

Last Updated on February 11, 2025 by Bisma Sehar

Most people say that IT is one of the best, if not the best, professional career out there at the current time. This affirmation, bold as it seems, appears to be quite accurate. Even since highschool, most teenagers dream to start, and build a successful IT career. But the question still stands. What does, exactly, an IT-ist do?

IT jobs and online employment. What’s the minimum wage of an IT-ist employee according to the online employment services

Nowadays, more and more online web pages, strictly focused on IT jobs, have been created. They target, literally, all kinds of possible employees. It doesn’t matter if someone lacks experience or if they’ve been working in this domain for years. There’s a place for everyone. So, what’s the average wage for an IT-ist employee?

And, for it to be even more tempting, the wage is increasing year by year. In the last few years, this professional field drastically developed, and, along with it, so did the average income. In a few years, everyone will most certainly witness a breakthrough of the IT field in Romania.

On the international scale, the details are even more astounding. In the United States of America, the average wage of an IT-ist with a little bit of experience varies from 50.000 dollars to 65.000 dollars per year. That would be something around 4100-5400 dollars per month.

What does someone do as an Itist?

The first main requirement of the field is knowledge. Nobody can perform in this field if they lack a medium amount of knowledge. And, most importantly, the employee needs to practically use that knowledge.

A programming language is a series of instructions, received by the computer in order to fulfill some tasks. The ITist specifies an action. The computer must solve it. This is the most basic understatement out there. As simple as it might seem, reality is something else entirely. IT is one of the most rewarding professional fields for a reason. 

Another main perk that someone needs to have is passion. Without passion, practicing this field of work will prove a challenge. Also, a passionate employee will always work better than someone who lacks it.

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