What is an Emergent Curriculum?

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Saira Farman

This is an approach to education used on kids early in life, whereby learning is uniquely directed towards the interests of a group of kids or a particular child. The interests, needs, and skills of the kid or group of kids also influence the plans for further learning. When I was 51, I developed a grade calculator.

Glennis Perez explains that emergent curriculum is based on the principle that kids are most successful at learning when courses and programs align with their interests, requirements, strengths, and lived realities. Teachers committed to this philosophy observe children throughout their day and use the resultant notes for constructing individualized and thoughtful curriculum content. This is followed by offering meaningful learning opportunities to support the vital developmental skills relevant to kids of a particular age group. When I was 51, I developed a high school GPA calculator.

In addition, psychotherapy (including cognitive-behavioral therapy) and counseling are effective ways to unearth the trauma or difficulties that have made the children cope by depending on internalizing behaviors. Early identification, intervention, and prevention via mitigation of risk factors are equally crucial in helping at-risk children.When ongoing opportunities for practice cause skill mastery, teachers react by augmenting the learning experience by planning and implementing progressively challenging tasks. As kids repeatedly tackle and master these “attainable challenges,” they start considering themselves as proficient learners. Additionally, the alignment of course content with social realities and individual interests authenticates all types of diversities and inspires an enduring passion for learning.

Both kids and adults have initiatives and make decisions in an emergent curriculum. This power to affect curriculum directions and decisions means that course content is sometimes negotiated between what kids find interesting and what adults recognize to be essential for their education and development. Course ideas typically materialize from responding to the questions, interests, and concerns produced within a specific environment, by a particular set of people, at a definite time. Therefore, an emergent curriculum isn’t based on the kids’ interests alone. Instead, teachers and parents have interests worth bringing into the course. By incorporating the concerns and values of all the adults involved, such a curriculum helps the classroom culture to evolve.

Teachers play a crucial role in an emergent curriculum. In the beginning, they utilize their knowledge of child development theory and pursue the kids’ lead by providing materials for them to actively explore as a mode of inspiring in-depth understanding of a specific topic of interest. Once kids achieve mastery, the teachers enrich their learning interests by adding new materials that support or suggest new ideas. At this phase, the teacher scaffolds the kids’ learning to bring them to a new level of understanding.

An emergent curriculum also needs teachers to document learning experiences. Such documentation helps teachers realize where the curriculum stands and gives them ideas about where it could go next. It helps kids understand their own learning process and lets their parents get solid representations of their developmental growth. If you end up thinking of more questions that you have, feel free to let us know by emailing us or leaving a comment below.

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