Home Lifestyle Health 5 Ways to Maintain and Improve Indoor Air Quality

5 Ways to Maintain and Improve Indoor Air Quality


Last Updated on March 12, 2024 by admin

Poor air quality can lead to grave health issues. In urban areas, the quality of air has been on a continuous decline because of increased pollution. Furthermore, air pollutants in the atmosphere pose a danger to the biodiversity of planet earth abundantly. Because of the increased carbon emissions and fuel combustion, the air quality is continuously deteriorating. Resultantly, indoor air quality has also become hazardous because outdoor air pollution has also made its way indoors.

While outdoor air quality demands mega planning to offset the impacts, the monitoring of indoor air quality is practical and easy. This article discusses 5 ways to maintain and regulate indoor air quality.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) directly impacts the health of people in that surrounding. Poor indoor air quality has gruesome impacts on the health of people inhaling that air and can have immediate and long-term effects.

An unhealthy indoor air quality’s immediate health impacts include headaches, irritation of the eyes, fatigue, and stomach issues. These issues can be overlooked because of their non-serious nature; however, unattended for a long time can lead to serious health consequences.

The long-term effects of prolonged exposure to unhealthy air can lead to respiratory and cardiac problems. Hence, it is critical to maintain indoor air quality to enjoy good health. Also, diseases stemming from bad air quality vary from person to person. The amount and duration of exposure to poor air quality are inadequate for establishing a defined relationship with health-related issues.

5 ways to maintain air quality

1.      Identify Pollutants

To avoid any serious risks and long-term effects, it is essential to identify the type of pollutant by identifying the sources of pollutants. Other than the outdoor carbon pollutants, some aspects from inside the buildings also contribute to indoor air pollution. Burning of stoves, air-conditioners, central heating systems and other such installations emit pollutants such as carbon monoxide. Asbestos, found in building materials, paints, insulation, and vinyl tiles, is also a contributor of air pollutants. Another form of indoor pollutant is the presence of lead in paints. Besides affecting indoor air quality, it also poses a danger to health in several ways. Other pollutants are biological contaminants such as viruses and molds in central cooling and heating systems. To ensure good air quality, it is important to check for all kinds of pollutants and eradicate them.

2.      Ventilation

A good ventilation system helps offset indoor air pollution. They are the primary source of maintaining and improving building air quality testing. Since ventilation systems allow way out for unhealthy air and provide passage for fresh air to come in, architects pay significant attention to a ventilation system. An exhaust system pushes unhealthy air out of the building, inviting sufficient healthy air to replace it. The replacement process takes place at a fast speed. Therefore, exhausts are considered to be efficient for maintaining good indoor air quality. However, they do have one drawback while inviting fresh air from outside, they can draw air pollutants from outdoors. Therefore, a particular focus should be given to the ventilation systems for maintaining good air quality.

3.      Maintenance through Plants

Plants are nature’s air purifiers, as they help maintain and improve air quality to a great extent. They absorb toxic elements and pollutants in the air and give out oxygen. They are the best and the most convenient air quality controllers that can easily be installed in each building. Compared with other air purification methods, air purification through plants is more sustainable, cost-effective, and has no maintenance cost. Commonly used plants for maintaining Indoor Air Quality include Money Plant, Spider Plant, and Broad lady palm.

4.      Using Air Purifiers

Installing air purifiers in the home is a surefire way of ensuring good air quality. Air purifiers are the only practical option in buildings where the density of pollutants in the air has increased abundantly. Composed of multiple filters to circulate the indoor air, these purifiers trap pollutants and other contaminants to filter the air in a room. The filters of these purifiers must be replaced regularly as the trapped contaminants might clog the filter preventing it from doing its job. One drawback of air purifiers is that they do not filter the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in the air. 

5.      Indoor Air Quality Testing Services

Once you have taken all the measures to ensure good indoor air quality, it is also essential to get indoor air quality testing to ensure that it does not pose any health hazard. There are a number of facilities that provide this facility at a cost-effective rate. Indoor air testing service is the most convenient method to get an idea about indoor air quality. Other than this, the indoor air quality testing services will provide information to the occupants of a building about the major indoor air contaminants. After knowing the source of these contaminants, they can be traced and eradicated through IAQ testing services.


Maintaining and improving indoor air quality is crucial for good health and well-being. Poor indoor air quality can lead to a range of health problems, such as allergies, asthma, and respiratory illnesses. Here are five unique ways to maintain and improve air quality of your home:

  • Use natural air purifiers: Instead of synthetic air fresheners, which can release harmful chemicals, consider using natural air purifiers like plants. Plants like Spider Plant, Peace Lily, and Aloe Vera can help remove pollutants and toxins from the air.
  • Control humidity levels: High humidity levels can promote the growth of mold and mildew, which can cause respiratory problems. Use a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels between 30-50% and prevent the growth of harmful organisms.
  • Keep your house clean: Regular cleaning can help reduce the buildup of dust, pet dander, and other pollutants. Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove pollutants from carpets and upholstery.
  • Choose eco-friendly products: Many household cleaning and personal care products contain harmful chemicals that can pollute the air. Choose eco-friendly products that are free from harmful chemicals, and use natural alternatives wherever possible.
  • Ventilate your home: Proper ventilation is essential for maintaining good air quality. Open windows and doors to let fresh air circulate throughout your home. Install exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom to remove excess moisture and pollutants.

Final Words

If you are looking for an indoor air quality services, look no further because ACC Env, with its professional and experienced staff, can check out the quality of your building to ensure a healthy working environment. To know more about our services, visit our website or contact our representative today.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Why Indoor Air Quality Is Essential then visit our Health category.

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Olivia Rodriguez is a registered dietitian and health coach with a passion for helping people lead healthier lives. With over 8 years of experience in the field, Olivia has worked with individuals and families to develop personalized nutrition and wellness plans that promote optimal health and well-being. She is a frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and has written extensively on topics such as plant-based nutrition, weight management, and chronic disease prevention. Olivia believes that good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and her mission is to help people make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness. When she's not working with clients or writing, Olivia enjoys practicing yoga, hiking, and exploring new healthy food options.

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