Home Business 6 Most Ordinary Kinds of Data Breaches and How Badly They Affect...

6 Most Ordinary Kinds of Data Breaches and How Badly They Affect Your Business


Last Updated on September 21, 2022 by

Data breaches occur on a daily basis, with no immune organization or sector fully immune. Organizations must be prepared for data breaches, as the enemy has become a part of their actical tools.

Consider Houston Managed IT Services to protect your business from various data breaches, as cyber-attacks come in different forms and sizes. Not all incidents have sophisticated cyber attackers. However, there are many common violations, so it’s essential to understand them.

What is Meant by Data Breach?

Data breach is an event in which unauthorized individuals access sensitive or protected information. A data breach includes any unauthorized access to, or disclosure of, personal information such as your name, Social Security number, bank account number, or credit card information.

A data breach can result in the exposure of personal and corporate information, such as credit card numbers, security numbers, and healthcare history.If the person collecting this information is not allowed access, it has suffered a data breach.Organizations that suffer data breaches that lead to the theft of personal information may be subject to fines or other civil litigation. This can include damages for loss of privacy, embarrassment, and emotional distress.

Here are the most common ways a business can suffer from data breach. These are as follows.

Types of Data Breaches

Following are the most common types of data breaches and how they affect businesses:

1.   Ransomware

If you get a message on your phone or computer saying that your device has been hacked, it’s most likely ransomware. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts all the data on your device and then demands money from you in order to decrypt it. The person will make the resource available for you to use without charging you. The cost of a forensic audit can vary depending on the size and scope of the investigation. It is based on the type and complexity of the case being investigated.

Hackers who obtain access to your data may try to extort payment to release it. This can be done by encrypting the data so you cannot access or read it. Production at most businesses has been at a standstill because of the current shortage of workers. Unfortunately, the problem cannot even be resolved by paying the amount of money. U.S. business that paid a ransom in 2018 increased from 45% to 66%. However, only 26% of these firms could unlock their files after paying the ransom.

Ransomware can be delivered in various ways, including through messages, mail or malicious websites, etc. If your data is restored, make sure to assume that any confidential information on the affected machines has been compromised.

2.   Recording Keystrokes

Cybercriminals can install keyloggers on your computer, which will record what you type and store that information. Hackers then use the data to access sensitive information. If you want to keep your personal computer and work computer separate, make sure that the settings on your work computer are different from the settings on your personal computer. To keep your personal and work computers separate, make sure their respective settings are different.

They record everything you do while typing. This especially includes your credit card numbers, various passwords, and sensitive information.

3.   Phishing

Phishing is an act where hackers set up fake websites that look very authentic.A merchant could create a website that mirrors PayPal, requiring customers to sign in before making payments. You’ll notice that you’ve accidentally given someone your password when you logged in to your account.

It’s relatively common for universities to have this scheme. When the school asks students to confirm their login details, they will likely be sent emails from a third party. Once the hacker has your login details, the hacker can do whatever they want.

It goes without saying that if anyone has your password, they can go through your files and find any confidential information that they want about your business.

4.   Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS)

This tactic is only used against larger companies and is usually a protest. The internet enables anyone to create a website or even post a blog. A denial-of-service attack means flooding a website with useless information that prevents the website from being practical.

This type of attack will make it impossible for anyone at work. This information may not be permanently deleted from the company’s servers, but it requires the company to shut down while they deal with the security breach.

Large companies are more likely to experience data breaches than smaller businesses. Data breaches at larger companies are typically more damaging and take longer to resolve.It is not often that a coordinated attack takes place against an individual. This type of attack is rare, and typically requires the cooperation of many individuals.

5.   Cyber Attack

There is a possibility that people will be sent malicious software to have their computers wiped. Therefore, it is often detrimental for an organization to rely on its data. Organizations must be careful about the information they rely on, as it can be unreliable. A hospital could be at risk for data loss if it is infected with viruses. This could happen when patients’ information is inadvertently exposed, or the virus spreads throughout the hospital. If this happens, millions of patients’ records may be lost. A potential danger in the hospital is that some patients might die.

To avoid getting viruses on your computer, don’t click on anything you’re not sure is safe. For example, some businesses will ask customers or potential customers to email them with information, but they recommend that the customer only place a statement in the email body. To protect your servers, do not click on anything that could erase them by accident.

Post courtesy: Scott Young, President at PennComp LLC.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know about Here’s why you should let a managed IT services provider handle your cybersecurity for you then visit our Business category.

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