Brain Aneurysm

Last Updated on February 13, 2025 by Bisma Sehar

A brain aneurysm is a condition that occurs in the blood vessels of the human brain. It forms a balloon structure because of constant bleeding. The main reason for bleeding is a leak or rupture in a particular blood vessel. This whole process is known as subarachnoid haemorrhage. 

According to Neurology India (Journal of Neurological Society of India), subarachnoid haemorrhage can drastically impact the Phenytoin permeability across the blood-brain barrier. 

Causes and Risk Factors

The risk factors of a brain aneurysm include old age, high blood pressure, drug abuse, etc. Moreover, in some cases, the risk factors are associated with birth, such as family history, inherited tissue disorders, cerebral misinformation, etc. In some cases, the disease can also happen due to severe injury to the head due to accidents.

Brain aneurysms are of two types, Saccular, which is the most common affecting the main artery and Fusiform, which is not as common and forms a wide spot in the blood vessel. 

During some medical studies, it is revealed that women tend to have higher rates of aneurysms than men. Although a brain Aneurysm is not harmful to health, even if it’s unnoticeable, serious medical treatment is required in rare cases when it starts leaking and exploding.


The symptoms of a brain aneurysm depend on whether it’s ruptured or unruptured.

Ruptured Brain Aneurysm

  1. Worst Headache

Out of nowhere, if you get a severely intense headache, then it may be a symptom of a brain aneurysm. These headaches are the most painful ones, which leave you with no capability to control them. When the aneurysms get bigger, they give a tight force on the nerve and brain, which causes intense pain.

  1. Blurred Vision And Sensitivity To Light

Due to extreme pressure and pain in the head, the person loses consciousness with blurred vision. You tend to see double objects, and it becomes almost impossible to handle bright light.

  1. Nausea And Vomiting

The brain is one of the most delicate parts of the human body. Therefore, extreme pain and unease cause nausea and vomiting, and it becomes very difficult for an individual to feel comfortable or relax peacefully. Hence, be patient and keep yourself motivated to win the fight.

  1. Drooping Eyelids

Due to a ruptured brain aneurysm, the brain gets under lots of pressure, and your eyelid keeps on drooping. To help your health, you must keep yourself away from the brightness of the screen. Moreover, it would help if you practised eye exercise, yoga and meditations.

  1. Confusion And Blocked Awareness

Brain aneurysm causes trouble adapting to the surroundings on regular days. If you have the symptoms, then you may get mentally unaware of everything around you. Moreover, you will get surrounded by confusion in your day to day activities.Check out also Best anti aging product.

Unruptured Brain Aneurysm

  1. Face Numbness On One Side

Facial numbness happens due to blocked blood supply to the brain, which is due to brain damage. In addition, a brain aneurysm causes leakage in the blood vessel, which causes brain damage resulting in extreme face numbness, which is mostly on the right side.

  1. Dilated Pupil

Due to an aneurysm, the brain has trouble passing and receiving signals. Hence, the pupil dilates in response to the trauma. Moreover, you will have difficulty in dim light, and bright light and your pupil will get bigger and smaller.

  1. Eye Pain

Due to brain discomfort, you will have trouble behind and above your eyes. Furthermore, exposure to bright light can cause more distress to your eyes. Hence, it is suggested to rest as much in the course of a brain aneurysm.

  1. Pain While Speaking

Because of extreme discomfort, opening your mouth will expose you to more pain. In addition, it will cause more pressure on your brain and pain, causing uneasiness. Therefore, you should avoid long conversations if you have a hard time speaking.

When To Consult A Doctor?

You or anyone must never wait for the symptoms to reach their worst level. Hence, if you have a severe headache and some other related symptoms, take the next step. A brain aneurysm is often undiagnosable, but it can be very harmful if reached in advanced stages. 

An article of Neurology India states that it’s very important to get the registry for brain aneurysm treatment because of its complex surgeries.

Furthermore, you can reach the portal of Health care, where you can find the best neurologist and hospital in your desired location for your treatment. You can also get expert second-hand advice on max health care.


A brain aneurysm can worsen if all the above-stated symptoms are ignored. Neurology India suggests that if you see someone getting a severe headache, seizure, immediately call the ambulance. 

Moreover, an aneurysm can appear in any brain area, but it’s usually found in the arteries. It can also happen due to smoking or alcohol consumption. Hence, quit all the habits that can put your health at threat. Or you can find alternatives. You can opt to try nicotine free chew tobacco pouches, and non-alcoholic beers.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Some Methods To Boost Your Mental Health then visit our Health category.

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Olivia Rodriguez
Olivia Rodriguez is a registered dietitian and health coach with a passion for helping people lead healthier lives. With over 8 years of experience in the field, Olivia has worked with individuals and families to develop personalized nutrition and wellness plans that promote optimal health and well-being. She is a frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and has written extensively on topics such as plant-based nutrition, weight management, and chronic disease prevention. Olivia believes that good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and her mission is to help people make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness. When she's not working with clients or writing, Olivia enjoys practicing yoga, hiking, and exploring new healthy food options.