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All you need to know about IQ Test: A Complete Guide


Last Updated on November 27, 2023 by Asfa Rasheed

History of IQ test      

The first scientists to think about measuring intelligence were Paul Broca (1824-1880) and Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911). Their theory was that the human skull could be used to determine intelligence. It was assumed that the larger a person’s head, the wiser he or she was. Wilhelm Wundt (1932-1920) used introspection as a measure of intelligence around the same time. They form a fundamental part of the history of the IQ test, even if today their methods and ideas are considered old-fashioned and are no longer used for IQ tests.

Test of IQ, the first of its kind   

Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon developed the first modern intelligence test in 1904, and it was named after them. French education authorities asked these researchers to devise a test that could differentiate between normally intelligent but lazy children and developmentally disabled children. As a result, she took the Simon-Binet IQ test, which includes multiple components such as reasoning, naming objects, and finding rhymes.

Combined with age, the IQ test score provides insight into a child’s mental development: is the child ahead or behind other children? Based on the cognitive age and chronological age, the IQ was calculated with 100. Europe and the United States both embraced the test, making it a great success.

The Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is a measure of intelligence

The IQ of a person is expressed in a number, which represents your level of intelligence.

An intelligence test is used to determine a person’s IQ. It is estimated that the average IQ score is 100. More than 100 indicates superior IQ, and a score below 100 points you are (less) smart.

You can determine your IQ by taking an intelligence test and comparing it to the results of other people your age. Using a 100-point mean score and a 15-point standard deviation, the test is considered a success. Sixty-eight percent of the population scored an IQ between 85 and 115, and 95 percent scored between 70 and 130.

Types of IQ tests       

 IQ tests can be classified into two general types:

  • An examination of intelligence called the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS);
  • Progressive Matrices of Raven;

Most of the tests are Paid IQ test, IQ test with instant results. There is a fee for taking these tests. There are many free IQ tests with instant results and so-called ‘real’ IQ tests on the Internet. It would be best if you did not put too much faith in these, as their products are often unreliable.

The IQ test measures what?

Each of the IQ tests examines a different attribute of intelligence. Components that are usually tested include:

  • Verbal intelligence: Those with high verbal intelligence are quick to understand and use text and possess an extensive vocabulary.
  • Numerical intelligence: Traditionally, calculations have been used to measure intelligence. Numerical intelligence is the ability to calculate.
  • Spatial intelligence: Having the ability to solve spatial problems is a form of spatial intelligence.
  • Logical intelligence:  The capacity for abstract reasoning.

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Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Analyzing IQ Options: How Can It Be Done? then visit our Digital Marketing category.

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