Home Home Improvement Industrial Floor Coating: Best Floor Coating Type for Industrial Facilities

Industrial Floor Coating: Best Floor Coating Type for Industrial Facilities


Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

One major factor considered when determining the type of floor coating for industrial facilities is the floor’s ability to withstand heavy impact, constant traffic, and intense exposure to adverse conditions such as high temperatures, corrosive liquids, and other chemical products.

This factor has become of high importance because conditions like this are typical for industries. It, therefore, means that if a floor type that cannot withstand these conditions is installed in an industry, the smooth running of industry activities stands to be disrupted. This could in turn result in a reduction in process operations and even an increased cost of operations as more money would be spent on floor repair and replacement.

Industrial floor coating refers to the application of specialized coatings on the surface of industrial floors to enhance their durability, resistance to wear and tear, and overall aesthetic appeal. The coating is applied to various industrial floors, including warehouses, factories, food processing plants, and healthcare facilities. The following are some of the essential aspects of industrial floor coating.

Types of Industrial Floor Coating

There are various types of industrial floor coatings, including epoxy, polyurethane, and acrylic coatings. Epoxy coatings are popular due to their excellent chemical resistance and durability, while epoxy are best suited.

Application Process

The process of applying industrial floor coating involves several steps, including surface preparation, priming, and topcoat application. The surface must be thoroughly cleaned and prepped to ensure that the coating adheres well to the floor. Priming is essential in creating a bond between the surface and the coating, while topcoat application provides the final finish and protection.

Epoxy Floor Coating

Floor coating made from epoxy has quickly become a popular choice when it comes to coating floors in warehouses, garages, and even industries. This is because the material from which epoxy floor coating is made allows it to effectively resist all of those intense conditions that are characteristic of industries.

With epoxy floor coating, rather than the vibrations, traffic, and harsh chemicals being transferred directly to the floor, they are rather first absorbed by the epoxy floor coating, thus, shielding the concrete floor from direct impact.

Key Features of Epoxy Floor Coating

These key epoxy floor coating features are what distinguish them from conventional floor coating and make it possible for them to effectively resist those intense industry conditions:


It is very easy for floors in industries to wear off from the frequent vibrations from heavy machines, automobiles constantly grinding against them, and even down to traffic from machine operators and other staff and personnel.
With epoxy floor coating, however, this is one less thing to worry about. Heavy industrial conditions are effectively sustained without the floor coating wearing or degrading.


In light of the hardness feature, epoxy floor coating is highly durable. They can serve for a reasonable number of years before the impact of those adverse industry conditions starts to noticeably appear on them.

It is, however, important that these floor coatings are properly installed by professional industrial floor coating contractors as poorly installed epoxy floor coating makes no difference from conventional floor coating types, in terms of high impact resistance and durability.

Aesthetically Pleasing Finish

Not only are epoxy floor coatings hard and durable, but they also have an aesthetically pleasing finish. The finished appearance can be conveniently altered such that a choice of color type and other features can be added. Whether it is the quartz look or a more vibrant color that you want on your floor, it is possible with epoxy floor coating.

Epoxy floor coating can also be color-coded, making distinguishing between traffic and work areas to be done more conveniently without the need for floor stickers and tapes, thus, making them even more functional.

Industrial floor coating requires a lot of expertise and technical knowledge. It is, therefore, important that you employ the services of professional industrial floor coating contractors to ensure you get the most from the floor coating, allowing you to minimize any otherwise unnecessary costs.

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