Home Lifestyle Health Best In-Office Acne Scar Treatments

Best In-Office Acne Scar Treatments


Last Updated on July 18, 2024 by Ali Hamza

There are a bunch of acne scar treatments offered in the market today that claim to remove acne scars if used correctly. What they offer may be accurate, but consulting a professional and getting proper treatment is still the best way to care for acne scars. 

Identifying what type of acne scar you have is the first step to treating it. Experts like the Sozo Clinic can give you the proper treatment to effectively treat said scars, no matter how severe you think they may be.

Types of Acne Scars

There are three main types of scars that develop after acne heals. 

  1. Ice Pick Scars. These scars make your skin look as if an ice pick punctured it. It leaves a depressed and pitted appearance and affects people of all ages.
  2. Rolling Scars. These scars stand out as indented marks with sloping edges.
  3. Box-car Scars. These scars appear like a rectangular depression with steep edges. 

Icepick, rolling, and box-car scars fall under the category of atrophic scars, which develop after the skin can’t regenerate the tissue after healing correctly. Acne scars may also appear lumpy and elevated, characterised as either hypertrophic or keloid.


There are a lot of products in the market today claiming that they can heal acne scars as long as you continually use them. The proposition may sound promising, but often (and quite frankly), they’re not very effective in dealing with acne scars compared to in-office treatments.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatment aims to minimise the severity of how acne scars look by breaking up the up scar tissues formed after old acne outbreaks healed. This treatment encourages new healthy skin to grow and replace scar tissues. Although it doesn’t altogether remove acne scars, it does significantly reduce their appearance and the pain caused by them.

This treatment will depend on several factors, such as the number of scars you have, the size of the affected area, and the number of treatments you’ll need. Unlike most in-office acne scar treatments, laser treatment doesn’t require downtime, although the scar clearing wouldn’t be 100% eliminated. You may also be required to return to the provider for other follow up treatments.

Laser treatment is excellent for resolving deep scars and pitting. It’s also less harsh than other methods and is ideal for all skin and scar types.


Microneedling entails the use of very fine needles that prick your skin methodically. This treatment promotes collagen production to heal the wounds done by the needle. Experts believe that new collagen formation will help smoothen the skin, fill in lines and scars, and even combat wrinkles.

The dermatologist who will treat you will use an electronic needling device to puncture the skin and cause micro-injuries. The procedure may be painful at first glance, but don’t worry; they will first apply topical anaesthesia to the affected area to make it pain-free.

Chemical Peels

Another great way to treat acne scars is by applying chemical peels. This procedure works by removing the topmost layer of the skin to promote the growth of new and healthier skin. Compared to other treatments, a chemical peel is more effective in exfoliation, not to mention how inexpensive it is.

Chemical Peels

Source: BeBeautiful.in

The dermatologist will first clean your skin thoroughly. Afterwards, they will apply one or more chemical solutions to the affected area. Those chemicals may include solutions such as glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, etc. After the application, you may feel a burning sensation. Still, it will only last for at least five to ten seconds, followed by a stinging sensation.

Chemical peels are great if you want smoother skin, lighter dark spots, and lighter acne scars. It also unclogs your pores to prevent breakouts in the future. However, keep in mind that chemical peels are sensitive to skin tone. After treatment, you may receive good results if you have darker skin, but there’s a chance that you’d get an uneven skin tone afterwards.


This procedure involves releasing stuck scars beneath tissues. Subcisions can help remove these connections by lifting the scars back up. Scars cause the production of new collagen, but it’s not as supple as normal collagen. Scar collagen makes scars look indented, and it may even cause shadows and divots.

Subcision is similar to micro-needling, but it works better for deeper scars such as box-car acne scars. Using a special hypodermic needle, the professional in charge of the treatment will scrape the dermis and tear down the fibres, which causes scar depression.

The procedure will be repeated one to three times, producing results within a week, with a downtime of only one to two days.

Dermal Fillers

Aside from subcisions, dermal fillers can also improve how depressed acne scars are by lifting them. However, the only caveat with the procedure is that it’s not a permanent solution. Aside from treating acne scars, derma fillers are also excellent in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and facial volume loss due to ageing.

There are different dermal fillers available these days, and each of them works differently.

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This filler adds volume and can lift the skin, making indented scars appear less noticeable. It can also help the skin stay smooth for longer than other derma fillers and lasts for around 12 months.

Hyaluronic Acid

This is the best derma filler option if you want instant results. Not only will it immediately plump your skin, but it will also raise and smoothen indented scars. However, the results don’t last that long and reinjection is required every couple of months to maintain desired results.

Poly-L-Lactic Acid

This derma filler stimulates collagen production and can gradually lessen acne scar appearance over time. However, it doesn’t work right away.

Autologous Fat Transfer

This type of derma filler involves harvesting fat from an area of your body and injecting it into the area affected with acne scars.

Derma fillers are an excellent option if you prefer instant results and minimal downtime.


Acne scars can be diabolically frustrating, but some treatments are effective enough to deal with them. Acne scar treatments will depend on the scar’s type, your skin type, and how long you’re willing to wait for post-treatment for the scars to heal.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Looking For a Blackheads Treatment? Try These Super Tips & Enjoy Acne Free Skin Today! then visit our Health category.

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Olivia Rodriguez is a registered dietitian and health coach with a passion for helping people lead healthier lives. With over 8 years of experience in the field, Olivia has worked with individuals and families to develop personalized nutrition and wellness plans that promote optimal health and well-being. She is a frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and has written extensively on topics such as plant-based nutrition, weight management, and chronic disease prevention. Olivia believes that good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and her mission is to help people make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness. When she's not working with clients or writing, Olivia enjoys practicing yoga, hiking, and exploring new healthy food options.

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