Home Education Best Practices to Submit Remote Assignment

Best Practices to Submit Remote Assignment


Last Updated on March 1, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

As there has been a rapid growth of technology in laptops and smartphones and internet access has reached to the grassroot level, remote teaching and learning has gained tremendous popularity in recent time. But despite its overwhelming popularity, there are many students and teaching who are not quite accustomed to it. So, if you find yourself thrust into an academic cyberspace, don’t worry. In this article, I will guide you through every minute details of submitting remote assignments and online learning.

With the rapid advancement of technology and the unprecedented circumstances forcing people all around the world to maintain social distancing, remote teaching and assignment submitting is the need of the hour. Assignment help Australia uses all the best practices mentioned below for submitting remote assignments and now it is the leading remote assignment help Australia provider in the world. Here I will take you through the best practices for the students and the educators for successful submission of remote assignments.

Use Video Media as Much as Possible

Being present in front of the eyes of the students has a direct impact in the mind of the students. Eye contact is important for any kind of communication. For this very reason, video is the best medium for online education. Students and teachers need to spend a considerable amount of time through video conferencing applications to get the best outcome of online learning. During video conferencing students and teachers need to turn on their videos with at least 480p 30FPS video quality, if not 720p 30FPS.

Use High Bandwidth Connection:

Good internet connection speed is very important for online learning. As we often experience that wireless internet connectivity is too slow for any important assignment on the internet especially while video conferencing. That is why wired broadband connection is a must for online learning.

Mute Noisy Participants:

In online classroom teachers have the authority to silence the classroom. Similarly, in online classes teachers can mute the students who are too disturbing with just one click. It will allow the rest of the students to concentrate on their studies. Make sure you are the host of the video conferencing class, so that you will have a better control over the whole video conferencing class.

Share Documents & PowerPoints:

As there is no whiteboard in online class, as an alternative you can screen share important notes as a document file or as a PowerPoint. It will enable the students to take notes in real time while the class is on.

Record Lessons for Future Use:

Make sure as a teacher you record your video lecture lessons. So that when some student needs to attend the same lecture again, you won’t have to teach him all over again. You will easily be able to provide him the recorded video. You can also post the recorded class in the group messaging applications for the future use of the students.


An essential part of any virtual platform is to provide feedback to the students. It not only provides students an opportunity to be engaged with the teachers but also it provides students feedback about progress in learning.

Use Group Chat Applications:

For sharing any information or having a discussion it’s important that the instructor have a group in group chat application. Here the instructor will be able to provide students important information about the assignment as well.

The use of submitting remote assignments is increasing day by day. And in the coming days, its use is only going to increase. The organisation who are adopting the practice of remote assignment will leave behind traditional institutions in the race. Students will also prefer remote assignments as they are going to be comfortable with advanced technology and the spread of high-speed internet reaching to the grassroot level.

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Apart from that if you want to know about Remote Assignment then please visit our Education category

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