Financial Frugality

Last Updated on March 9, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Photo: Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash 

Whether you’re working with an insurance claim dispute service to recoup major losses or you’re simply looking for ways to cut costs on essential items, budgeting can help in many facets of life. It’s a fundamental part of financial success, and although it may feel restrictive, it doesn’t have to be. 

Instead, view budgeting as a creative endeavor that challenges you to align spending with values, divert money to savings, and take personal control of your financial future. Approached with this positive mindset, budgeting can lead to bliss. Here are five tips to get you started: 

1. Set micro-goals 

For many people, financial freedom seems like an unreachable goal that’s impossibly far away. Regardless of how accurate that perception may be, the feeling that financial freedom is forever out of reach is a surefire way to lose all motivation.

Instead of “financial freedom,” start with more manageable micro-goals. These might include spending less on entertainment for the month or aiming to save a certain amount within three months. Whatever the specifics, hold a mini celebration to build confidence and momentum each time you hit a smaller milestone. As your momentum builds, you’ll be able to extend the milestones and expand the goals. 

2. Track all expenses

The financial foundation for budgeting success is tracking expenses. Start building this foundation by keeping track of everything you spend money on for one month. Whether it’s a candy bar or a utility bill, log the expense. At the end of the month, you’ll have a useful snapshot of exactly where your money goes.

To get even more specific, categorize your expenses to see how the percentages break down. You can then use spreadsheets or a budgeting app to automate reporting. With greater clarity on your habits, you’ll be able to craft a new budget that puts you on a path to achieving your money goals.

3. Pay with cash 

When all your purchases are done through cards or apps, it’s easy to overspend without feeling the impact. There’s no payment friction, so it can feel like you’re barely spending. However, when you’re handing over physical cash, you notice every dip into your wallet, and you see your cash reserves dwindle. This can make you naturally more intentional about what you buy. 

When trying to curb spending, this kind of friction is helpful. Literally seeing money leave your wallet will serve as a helpful reminder of your budget and long-term goals. 

4. Cook at home

Dining out accounts for a huge chunk of most people’s monthly budgets. Try slashing those expenses by learning to cook cheap, healthy, and tasty meals at home. Experiment with base ingredients like eggs, beans, root vegetables, and leafy greens to whip up delicious flavors without breaking the bank. Use YouTube tutorials to learn basic cooking skills, and take pride in the DIY spirit by sharing with friends and family.

5. Negotiate cost reductions

From insurance policies to streaming services, recurring monthly bills quickly add up. However, you should never assume the advertised prices are fixed. Instead, learn to negotiate on the price. 

Call up customer service reps to politely ask for discounts, policy changes, fee waivers, free trial extensions, or whatever savings they can offer. Even a modest monthly discount compounded over time can lead to big savings.

Although budgeting is often viewed as a somber and restrictive exercise, it doesn’t have to be. By focusing on micro-goals, tracking expenses, paying with cash, cooking at home, and negotiating costs, you can begin to see it as an empowering and creative challenge with a great end goal: financial freedom.