Home Lifestyle Health How to get Free Dental assistance from government Fast with no money

How to get Free Dental assistance from government Fast with no money


Last Updated on May 6, 2024 by Umer Malik

We live in a world where unfortunately a large part of the population lives in poverty. Not being able to feed themselves, or eating poorly and insufficiently due to lack of resources, brings serious health problems to people. Oral diseases and conditions also prevent a correct diet, and if both problems come together, the situation is critical, hence the importance of having solidarity dentists : dentists for people without resources .

Solidarity dentists for people without resources

We know that there are many so-called “third world” countries where a large number of people live without sufficient resources to take care of their health. But not only in these countries does this unfortunate situation occur, also in Spain a large number of citizens cannot afford health treatments that are not included in the social security services, such as some Free dental treatments that in private centers suppose an amount that many people can’t pay

Faced with this situation, various initiatives are born, seeking to help people in poverty, both outside and within our borders. Thanks to the work of volunteers and donations from companies and individuals, it has been possible to carry out these solidarity projects that seek to offer people who need it, the opportunity to access dental treatments carried out by specialists, without incurring a high cost. economic.

Dentists for people without resources

COEC Solidarity Dental Clinic

The College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Catalonia (COEC) has a Solidarity Dental Clinic . It is a joint initiative with Creu Roja and Henry Schein , a company that provides, worldwide, various dental materials and services. A teamwork of these three organizations to help the most needy people.

La Creu Roja warns of the need for medical care of this type in low-income people, while the COEC offers the facilities, which have 8 treatment chairs and 2 operating rooms, in addition to organizing volunteers who wish to be part of this work.

For its part, the multinational Henry Schein provides the necessary material to carry out the treatments needed by these people without resources. Antoni Gómez, president of the COEC, indicated that the number of patients treated can exceed a thousand in a year.

Dentists without borders

It is an international volunteer organization, which is currently developing 4 projects in different countries: Nicaragua, India, Dominican Republic-Haiti and Senegal.

In each country, local organizations serve as support and backing for the work of Dentists Without Borders . They assure the team of volunteers the maintenance, protection and help. They also serve as intercessors between the NGDO and the ministries of health of the different countries so that the project is carried out within the legal framework that each case requires.

Dentists Without Borders aims to provide dental care to patients in areas where the inhabitants cannot access a dentist or where these medical services are lacking, and educate them in the prevention of oral diseases.

The NGDO asks volunteers who wish to collaborate actively to be licensed dentists and qualified hygienists, and some projects also require previous work experience as a requirement.

But Dentists Without Borders not only carries out this aid work outside our country, they have a Solidarity Clinic in Carabanchel, in the city of Madrid. The office is located in the premises of the parish of San Pedro Apóstol de Carabanchel Alto.

In this consultation, the dentists attend, from Monday to Friday, people without resources who cannot afford the costs of treatment in a private clinic.

Volunteer dentists offer their services at this clinic, serving low-income patients of all ages. To request the appointment, they simply have to present a report from Caritas or from a social worker.

The most frequent treatments carried out in this solidarity clinic are: tartar ectomy, fillings and, above all,  dental prostheses .

Solidarity Dentistry Foundation

It is a non-profit entity created in 1994, to improve the dental health of the most disadvantaged communities.

This is the commitment of the oral health professionals who carry out this voluntary work at Fundación Odontológica Solidaria , to provide care to people without resources who are in a disadvantaged socioeconomic situation and who need this help, since they cannot afford these treatments in private clinics.

In these clinics more than 360 volunteers provide care to people. They also work on different projects at the international level to support and help especially vulnerable populations.

These and many other organizations and foundations promote dental health and hygiene through the education and treatment of patients at solidarity clinics. Thus claiming the Universal Right to Oral Health.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Different Types of Dentist (Whom Do You Need?) then visit our Health category.

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Olivia Rodriguez is a registered dietitian and health coach with a passion for helping people lead healthier lives. With over 8 years of experience in the field, Olivia has worked with individuals and families to develop personalized nutrition and wellness plans that promote optimal health and well-being. She is a frequent contributor to health and wellness publications and has written extensively on topics such as plant-based nutrition, weight management, and chronic disease prevention. Olivia believes that good nutrition is the foundation of a healthy lifestyle, and her mission is to help people make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness. When she's not working with clients or writing, Olivia enjoys practicing yoga, hiking, and exploring new healthy food options.

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