Fantasy Football Tips: The 10 Things You Need to Know Before the Draft

Last Updated on February 10, 2025 by Bisma Sehar

Millions of enthusiasts gather to participate in fantasy football (NFL) every year. Whether you’re new to fantasy football or have tried your hand a few times before, there’s always room to learn more about the sport to get better than your competition.

We’ll go over the fundamentals and highlight subtle and frequently overlooked fantasy football tips at beginner and advanced levels in simple terms that everyone can grasp. Every season brings changes that affect fantasy football, and each season brings its trends to help pave your path to success. With that said, here are a few tips you’ll need to know before the draft!

1. Value Over Price

While there may be picks that seem shiny and appealing, they might not be the obvious pick. If they underperform compared to averagely ranked players, you’re better off spending your money on the latter. Fantasy football is all about accumulating fractional points. So picking wisely will help you get the value for your money.

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2. Look For Safe Picks and Those With Potential

If there are any underdogs you think have the potential to shine, then consider getting them mixed up in your selection. Those wild cards might surprise you and get you pretty substantial points. Treat your last skill position like playing the lotto and take a smart gamble.

3. Keep An Eye On Your Scores

If the league you’re playing for is points-based, keep this in mind while picking. This makes some picks more valuable, so find out what their scoring format looks like before stepping into the drafting room.

4. Go For The Best Pick Available

Look at your board and assess who the best is according to that board. Do it even if you’re getting another runner back while your QB spot is still empty!

5. Filter Out The Info

There are a lot of publications, magazines, and newspapers that offer info about rankings, etc. You’ll need to be picky about what you rely on, though, as some are outdated.

6. Choosing Players From the Same Team

Some people are pretty picky about getting many players from one team. They think that if one is playing badly, it might affect their entire pick, as all of them are from the same source. That’s not always true, though.

7. Order Matters

Have your lineup or queue set before your turn, making sure the rankings are placed in order. Follow that list to a T, making sure you start with the best ranked according to your list. That way, you pick quickly and subconsciously pressure the person going after you to pick, which might force them to make a rushed decision. It’s a sneaky tactic, but it works!

8. Improvise

You most likely won’t get the exact team you planned out, so plan to exercise a little flexibility. There’s nothing wrong with overplanning and having a strategy, but in the back of your mind, remember that you might not be able to follow the exact WR/WR strategy you set out to follow. If you have an opportunity to level up and get someone who’s not next on your list, then be ready to change strategy for a moment.

9. Draft Your Kicker Last

Leave your kicker until the very end. Since you’ll be playing for points and have to consider variances, it’s ideal to wait until the end to get your kicker in. You only need one, so it won’t affect your picks as much as your wild card ticket player.

10. Stay Prepared

Be prepared for anything, including unforeseen technical difficulties. Get a printout if necessary so that whatever happens, you’re backed up.


Preparation is key, and that’s why we want you to go into your next draft ready as ever to crush your opponents. At the end of the day, though, remember to have fun. Strategies and targets may take up the bulk of your preparation, but the game is all about having the time of your life at the end of the day, so do just that!


Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about World most expensive game football then visit our Gaming category