Last Updated on April 28, 2024 by Umer Malik
Ants are naturally drawn to the succulence these plants generate, which means they can soon become a problem as ants are among the most frequent pests that can infest outdoor and indoor plant pots. Even though ants may not harm the plant, they can sometimes be unattractive and restrict its growth capacity. Understanding why potted plants draw ants can prevent them from nesting in your planters. How To Get Rid Of Ants In Plants? Read the article to know all about it.
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Simple methods for eliminating ants in planters
Food supply
Ants are attracted to potted plants as they provide a food source. Because they frequently exude nectar discharges or have fruit high in sugar. The organic content in the potted soil attracts ants in particular. Ants often make a home near potted plants to acquire this easy food source since they are drawn to these objects. Ants are drawn to certain plant pests, such as mealy bugs and aphids, as food sources. For potted plants to be free of ants, caterpillars and floury insects need to be removed.
Soil is the best environment for ants to survive
Young ants can benefit from the sunlight, which aids in incubating ant eggs, as potted plants make an excellent area for their upbringing. Eventually, the dry soil in the planter loses its capacity to absorb water. Watering the potted plant causes the water to quickly drain away from the plant and remain on top of the dry soil. This damp soil would be ideal for ant colonies.
Security from the objects
Potted plants provide refuge from the elements, and ants are introduced to them. In potted plants, primarily during adverse weather, ants can find safety from the elements. The trunks and stems of potted plants can protect the seedling from the rain and sun during storms or other natural catastrophes. This is particularly beneficial for ants. In cold weather, potted plants draw ants because they are often warmer than the outside air. In the summer, potted plants can provide some relief from the heat.
Ants are attracted to aromas
The fragrance of potted plants attracts ants. Potted plants have a strong aroma that attracts ants. The fragrance may have originated from the plants or the organic compounds in the potting soil. Your potted plant may have ants for several reasons, including the fragrance.
Use cinnamon oil and powder
One common and effective method of getting rid of insects on clipped plants is to use cinnamon. The ants will disappear quickly if the cinnamon powder is scattered around the plant’s base.
Use a homemade or citrus-based pesticide.
Citrus is a fantastic all-natural way to get rid of ants from houseplants. Use citrus peelings, lemon juice, or flavorings to care for your plants. If ants create problems, you can eliminate them by spraying your houseplants with a water-and-citrus-juice mix.
Add some white vinegar
It’s possible to make a vinegar-based spray to get rid of ants. Spray warm water and white vinegar all over your house or other ant-infested regions. The ants will disappear shortly. You can also remove any ant pathways you find by using white vinegar. A cotton ball dipped in vinegar can get rid of the ant path. Spray Any Required Oil. Various essential oils can help to get rid of ants. Spray the insects in your planters or wherever else you see them with a combo of a few oil and water droplets in a spray bottle. The pungent smell will put them off.
Apply lemon juice
Are you aware that there aren’t any ants in your pot? You can block their progress by tracing the route and finding their source. Why do you do this? I’ll share a tiny secret: Although they enjoy sweet foods, ants do not enjoy strong acids. Ants are incredibly chemically sensitive and can sense them. Thus they are utterly perplexed by them. Lemon is a remarkably efficient, affordable, and simple ant repellent. No ants ever come close to them. Alternatively, vinegar can be employed.
Keep the soil wet
Are you worried about how to get rid of ants in plants? You can quickly get rid of ants as ants are naturally drawn to the succulence these plants generate, which means they can soon become a problem. You may eliminate ants by replacing the mud in your plant pots. The process is simple: Change the old planter with a fresh batch. This will eliminate any ant paths or nests that could be in the old soil and prevent new ants from entering the area. Ensure to discard the old dirt in a sealed container to stop ants from coming back.
Ants enjoy sugary foods
These tiny critters adore sugary meals; the best technique to attract bugs is to place a tablespoon with even a tiny amount of honey on it. Within minutes, the spoon will be loaded with insects. They possess a unique taste and smell from one another, which allows them to “smell” honey at a distance. Sugar, therefore, provides a significant amount of energy.
How can indoor plants be protected from ants?

- Regularly get rid of any ants you detect in your indoor potted plants. Your interior planted garden must be free of anything that may attract ants.
- To retain your plants, clean, mist gently using moisture, or wash them down with a moist cloth.
- Sugary flavors should be avoided near your indoor plants because they attract ants.
- To get rid of ants’ preferred pests, floury insects, and caterpillars, use pesticidal soap or neem oil.
- You can either make homemade organic ant food or buy an enterprise to lure ants from your plants.
Top tips on preventing ant infestations
If you want to get rid of ants from creeping on your potted plant, there are several activities you can try to prevent them and stop them from returning.
Place a plate of water over them
The barrier made by setting a plant on a watering bucket is insurmountable to ants. The water will keep the ants from getting to the potted plant, preventing an infestation. This is a simple and appealing method of keeping ants away from your plants. Maintain the tray’s water level at least half an inch above the top.
Use pot feet, risers, or stands
Using pot feet, you may stop the ants from mounting the pot’s side to reach the plant. The pot risers put a space between the plant and the surface the ants are trying to climb on. The ants won’t be able to pass this barrier and get to your plants. Use this easy yet efficient technique to keep ants from accessing your potted plants.
Ants eat soiled food
Ants naturally eliminate waste and transport organic material to their nests from the ground. They have a complete logistical system to locate it, send out “collectors,” and bring it home since they are so skilled at doing it. There’s more, though: some ants cultivate their food, making them farmers. They even produce fungi from the organic materials they eat.
Ants are naturally drawn to the succulence these plants generate, which means they can soon become a problem. They temporarily hinder you and the plant and cause significant bodily harm. Ants may sting and injure you if you go among the potted plants. This may annoy you. How to get rid of ants in plants? The ants in planters must therefore be removed as soon as possible.
Chemical methods of killing them are “overkilling it,” to use a depressing analogy. It is unneeded and detrimental to the environment, the safety of you and your family members, including any pets, and the environment. To repel ants and provide a pleasant aroma to your space, you can use water alone or citrus, mint, or lavender. Knowing what attracts ants makes getting rid of them easy. Ensure your kitchen is immaculate because leftovers, sweets, and other items attract underground insects. You can successfully eradicate these pesky pests and keep them away forever with some work.
Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Spider repellent spray then visit our Home Improvement category.
Ants don’t eat plant roots, though. They might harm them if they disturb the soil around them. This could make the plant’s roots more vulnerable to drying out and being eaten by pests or diseases. The ants that are harming the roots of your plants can be eliminated through any of the methods outlined above.
Your kitchen should always be spotless, and food should always be stored safely. Ants who enter your home for another reason seem more likely to find your plants and create a home there.