Home Fashion How to Lighten Your Hair Without Bleach Using Household Ingredients

How to Lighten Your Hair Without Bleach Using Household Ingredients

Lighten Hair Without Bleach

Last Updated on March 3, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

Summer season always comes with so many fun perks. One of the greatest advantages of summer is its natural lightening abilities which can help you lighten your normally dark hair in no time. Aside from that, there are also a whole bunch of inexpensive home remedies if you’re looking for a safe and natural solution on how to lighten your hair without bleach using household items. The only problem is that many household products can cause damage to your hair.

Using Household Items:

How to lighten hair without bleach using household items only involves a few simple items from your home. All you need is lemon juice and a spray bottle. Simply put the lemon juice into a spray bottle with a bit of water and shake well. Then, apply it onto your scalp and hair by spraying some of it on your palm as well. Do this procedure as often as necessary to achieve that healthy lightening effect.

Aside from that, you can also try some homemade bleaching kits. There are various recipes found online and on different cooking shows over the television. These kits usually include lemon juice, corn starch, sugar, lemon extract and other bleaching agents that you can easily find in supermarkets. If you can’t afford to buy these ingredients, then you can also use prepared one from the market.

Lightening Your Naturally Dark Hair:

One of the cheapest ways of lightening your naturally dark hair is by using hair color treatment products. You can find these products at drugstores and even department stores in your neighborhood. These hair color treatment products contain ammonia and other chemical ingredients that can lighten hair. However, these products usually don’t work effectively on individuals with light skin and dark hair. For example, it won’t work on brunettes or redheads.

Another good option for lightening hair is through the process of Balayage. Balayage is a Japanese technique wherein the hair’s natural highlights are stripped away. This technique was originally used to hide hair defects during military service. Today, it is used to remove unwanted hair like henna eyebrows or red hair. The process of balayage involves stripping the natural highlights from the hair and replacing them with artificial highlights.

Sun-Kissed Effect To Lighten Hair:

You can also use sun-kissed effect to lighten hair. The concept behind this technique is by applying a product with sun-kissed effect onto the highlights. This will temporarily hide your dark hair and make it appear lighter. If you want to achieve this effect, then you should buy a product that contains oxybenzone, titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These products will block the sun’s harmful UV rays that can cause hair damage as well as skin discoloration.

To lighten hair naturally, you can try using lemon juice. Simply extract the lemon juice from lemons and apply it on your highlights. Leave it on for about 30 minutes. Wash it off and then rinse your hair with water. Lemon juice has a natural bleaching effect so it can lighten the dark spots without too much damage to your hair.

Effective As Products From A Salon:

It is important to remember that applying household items to your highlights may not give you the best results. It is best to use salon procedures in order to get the best results. One of these salon procedures is known as chelating or bleaching and it is done by applying oxygen bleach on your highlights using a brush. Using such household items to lighten hair without bleach can only give you temporary results and at the same time, risk damaging your hair.

Other bleaching products are available in the market but they are not as effective as products from a salon. These products usually have oxidizing agents which can easily damage your hair if it is applied on highlights. Oxidizing agents are found in most household items and they can also be found in the bleaching products. It is best to stick to salon-prepared products as these are designed specifically for highlights. You can also find other home-based recipes that can lighten your hair without bleach if you want to try something new.

Using Apple Cider Vinegar And Honey:

One of the easiest ways on how to lighten hair without bleach is by using baking soda. You can use this home product in two different ways. One, you can add some baking soda to your salads and pasta dishes to lighten your hair instantly. Second, you can simply sprinkle some baking soda on your hair after you cleanse your hair. Both methods work well as long as you know how much to add and how often.

Another great homemade remedy on how to lighten your hair is by using apple cider vinegar and honey. For one, apple cider vinegar contains natural bleaching properties that can effectively get rid of any residue that is left on your hair after you have bleached it.


Second, honey is rich in vitamins and minerals that can provide your hair with the necessary nourishment to keep it healthy. To use this treatment, simply add three tablespoons of honey and a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar in your water and soak your hair in the mixture for at least fifteen minutes.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about Organic Hair colours then visit our Fashion category.

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