Home Education Internship resume: how to write it effectively?

Internship resume: how to write it effectively?


Last Updated on November 21, 2022 by

You’ve just spotted a job ad that’s perfect for you to occupy your time during the vacations and to get you into the working world. That’s great. But the concern is that you have no experience for this position. This is your first job. That’s not a big problem. As long as you know how to market yourself to other applicants, you may have a chance of getting in. But to succeed, you need to write a good internship resume that values your skills over your experiences. Here’s how to do that.


Don’t panic! Keep in mind that even the little you have can make a great resume. You can start from scratch and still stand out from other candidates who are more experienced. The first thing you need to do to get started on your internship resume is to define the requirements and responsibilities of the position you are applying for.

To do this, you need to go back to the job description in the ad to determine all the information you need to mention in your CV. Write down what you have among the skills listed and don’t forget to mention these few very important points of an internship resume:

– Your academic background: grades, courses and training you have taken, research you have done, major projects, study abroad programs, awards;

– Your summer jobs or vacation jobs if you have done any;

– Your volunteer activities;

– And your student organizations, clubs or sports.

The most important thing is that you list all the assets that are relevant to any position. This way, your future employer will be able to judge your versatility. This is a professional quality that is very much in demand today. Indeed, many general skills could easily be taken into account in an internship or in a first job.

Just make sure that everything you say in your resume emphasizes “commitment,” “work ethic,” and “accomplishments. It should show your personality and demonstrate your career ambitions to help your employer know what your career plan is and measure your real skills.

Well-separated and well-studied sections

Secondly, to build a successful internship resume, you must also create sections. You should separate them and make sure you include the required information for each.

In the first section dedicated to your profile, include your contact information such as your first and last name(s), your phone number, your email address, your home address, and any links relevant to the position such as your LinkedIn profile or your professional website. Most importantly, avoid mentioning a fancy email address like c00girl22@yahoo.com that shows you are still a beginner. Instead, use your name to create a more professional one.

This is followed by sections on your background or education, your skills or summer work experience, your activities, your volunteer work, and your interests. You can add more. The best thing to do is to use the internship resume templates on the internet to organize your resume and find out what information is required in such a document. You can personalize it as you see fit without going overboard.

Information to be included by section

It’s a golden rule of all resumes: anti-chronological order. Whether you are a beginner or a great professional, listing your information in reverse order, i.e. from the most recent to the oldest, makes your resume easy to read.

For jobs or activities you did at the same time, you can rank them in order of relevance and importance. Put the ones most relevant to the position in front. To know what information is most relevant in an internship resume, refer to your years of study or training. If you have, for example, already studied at the University, do not mention your college and high school education. Instead, talk about what you did during your university studies.

As for your experiences, since you are still a beginner, fill this section with service opportunities, community or club involvement, or independent study to hide those “holes” in your resume. You can also list in your internship resume if you have been a leader in a sports club or social association or have organized events.

Tell them in the experience section rather than the activities section because these are also professional qualities, not passions. Besides, you don’t know if this will get you the job. Simply having already taken the position of leader or organizer shows your work ethic, motivation and understanding of the work world, so you don’t need extensive training to become a professional.

In the activities and interests section, you can talk about the role you have played in these activities, the type of internship you have taken, and the industry you would like to enter. Also talk about your awards and recognitions. This is extra for you. Having been a member of a singing group for several years or having done a humanitarian volunteer mission during times of crisis can incredibly help you gain the trust and attention of your future employer.

You can also mention activities that are likely to bring you closer to the company you want to join, foreign languages you master, your computer or technical skills, and anything that enhances your personality. In short, only say good things that are related to the position you are applying for. In any case, you should not lie. Honesty is also an irreproachable quality for finding a job.

Finally, don’t forget to review your internship resume several times before sending it to remove all unnecessary items and spelling and grammar errors. Proofread, correct and have a friend read it to see what they think.

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