Last Updated on July 19, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

There must have been a time when you saw At-Will mentioned in your employment contract and thought to yourself, what is it? Questions like these and more are natural. At-will employment means that you can get fired by your employer at any time for any reason. This sounds like something no one would go for, but the sad reality is that people tend to take up employment like these due to multiple reasons. 

There are several instances where people file wrongful termination cases and get justice by the law. Even if the employment is at-will, it does not mean that your employer has the right to fire you for nothing. You should always consider taking legal advice in these situations. 

How Can At-Will Employment Be Explained? 

Employers who offer at-will employment are free to let go of workers for any reason at any time. They hold that power, and it is mentioned in the employment contract. Workers can, at times, resign from their positions for no apparent reason. Over time, at-will employment has become more and more common. If the employees want, they are free to switch jobs at any time. 

Giving two weeks’ notice is usually the best way to maintain your reputation with future employers, regardless of legal restrictions. This gives them the time to plan for the replacement, and if the replacement requires training, you can provide them with the training before leaving. 

Are There Any Exceptions To At-Will Employment? 

  1. Agreements And Contracts Of Employment: 

At-will workers may not have the same rights as employees covered by an employment contract. Regardless of whether a formal agreement is in place or not, an employer cannot terminate an employee if there is an implied contract between them. The employee is responsible for proving the validity of such an agreement, which might take time. The employee has to show that such a contract exists and both parties have agreed on it. The policy book provided by your company states that employees are not fired randomly and can only be let go for good reason. 

The employer has to have a reasonable justification for firing the employee. 

There are still some alternatives available to you if you believe that your employment termination was unfair. There are many options open to you. If your rights are being violated, a skilled wrongful termination attorney will help you evaluate your situation. They will also help you file a lawsuit and defend yourself. Get your possibilities for the future determined by scheduling a consultation if you were fired unfairly. This will open up your career choices and get you the deal you deserve. 

  1. Getting Out Of Commitments 

The promise of committing something in good faith and not delivering is another category of exception. In this case, employers cannot terminate an employee to get out of their existing commitments, which include paying for healthcare, retirement, and commission-based employment.