Home Home Improvement Lawn Fertilization: The What, Why, and When!

Lawn Fertilization: The What, Why, and When!


Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Does your lawn look dry, invaded by weeds or pests, or have bare spots all over where no grass is growing?

Your lawn might be starving.

Like people, your lawn needs a good diet and appropriate care to thrive. Lawn fertilization is how your grass lawn gets fed.

But sometimes, the average homeowner gets intimidated whenever they hear the word fertilizer. It’s easy to get overwhelmed when faced with technical terminology such as “N-P-K ratio” and other stuff.

If this is you, don’t worry, this article can help you. Keep reading to learn the answers to the most common questions about fertilizing lawns.

Why Lawn Fertilization Is Important?

According to Holmesutah.com, lawn fertilization is “the first step towards a green, thick, and healthy lawn.”

Some people think that plants, including grass, only need water and sunshine to survive and grow. However, your lawn, particularly the soil, also needs nutrients, making fertilization equally necessary. Your soil gets the crucial elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, from fertilizer.

That’s what “N-P-K” stands for; nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). The numbers you see on bags of fertilizers, such as 10-10-10, are the N-P-K ratio. It represents the value of the three vital macro-nutrients that the lawn fertilizer provides.

Over time, due to rain, irrigation, and other factors, the nutrients will naturally leech out of the soil. A lawn that’s deficient in nutrients is a starving lawn, prone to diseases, and generally unhealthy. That’s why you have to replenish these lost nutrients to keep the grass green and vibrant.

How to Fertilize Lawn?

There are two ways to apply fertilizer. The first is using fertilizer in liquid form with an applicator. These types of fertilizers are fast-acting, but there’s also a higher chance of having an over-fertilized lawn.

The second way is using a rotary spreader to apply fertilizer in granular form. Granular fertilizers typically have a time-released formulation, which lessens the possibility of over-fertilizing or burning your lawn. However, they also come with a higher price tag than liquid fertilizers.

When to Fertilize Lawn

Another common question homeowners ask is, “when is the best time to fertilize the lawn?” In general, you want to fertilize your lawn at least twice a year, but the timing depends on what type of grass you have. As a rule of thumb, the best time to apply fertilizer is during the season when the grass is actively growing.

If you live in the northern part of the US, the grass on your lawn is likely “cool-season” grass. Examples are the Kentucky bluegrass and the perennial ryegrass. These types of grasses typically have two active growth periods, early spring and early fall.

On the other hand, summer is the peak growth period of “warm-season” types of grass, so that’s when you should start to fertilize them. However, it’s best to feed them again before the winter season to ensure that they have enough energy to overcome the cold months.

Ready to Give Your Lawn a Healthy Meal?

Your lawn needs a fresh supply of nutrients to keep the grass healthy and beautiful throughout the year. Now that you know the basics of lawn fertilization, you’ll be able to fertilize your lawn like a pro in no time.

For more home improvement tips and other exciting topics, please check out the rest of the articles on our site.

Read more: Does Grass Die in Winter? How to Preserve Your Lawn in the Cold

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