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Music on the go with Wynk Radio


Last Updated on October 27, 2022 by

Are you the kind of person who can listen to music any time of the day? If so, Wynk music is the best solution for you. With Wynk, you can listen to a wide genre of music. And the best part is that you do not need to pay any extra money for it if you are an Airtel user. All that you need to do is to do download the Airtel Thanks Lite app on your phone. With the amazing app, you can get access to Wynk radio and listen to the kind of songs you want, whenever you want, and from wherever.

Are Airtel Lite and Airtel Thanks App the same?

Airtel Lite and Airtel Thanks App are two apps of Airtel. These are not the same app but several features are similar in this app. While you can carry out a prepaid recharge and postpaid bill payment through both these apps, the Airtel Thanks Lite has been designed to take lesser space in the phone memory. Therefore, before installing this app on your phone, you do not have to worry about removing any other app. Secondly, the Airtel Thanks Lite even works properly and seamlessly even if you have 2G network on your phone. There will be no delay in recharging your prepaid number or postpaid connection bill payment with the help of this app. However, this app can only be found in Google Play Store and installed on Android phones, while Airtel Thanks App can be used by both Android as well as iOS users.

What are the benefits of using Airtel Thanks Lite?

Airtel Thanks Lite is another app by Airtel which has been especially made for users who have a slower internet connection. Let us check out all the benefits that make this app one of the much sought-after ones at present.

  • Installs quickly: While you try to install the app on your smartphone, it will just take a few seconds. You can find the app on Google Play Store and you can proceed to download the app. Once the download is complete, you can install the app on your smartphone.
  • Recommends prepaid packs: While you are trying to recharge your prepaid phone number through this app, you will be presented with several Airtel Prepaid packs according to your usage. This will keep you away from any kind of confusion and you can easily choose the pack that is required.
  • Works on 2G network: Even if your phone has a 2G network or you are stuck at a place with a slower internet connection, you can still expect a quick recharge with the help of this app.
  • Offers cashback: With regular prepaid recharge through this app, you can expect cashback. You can use the cashback amount for the next recharge.
  • Consumes lesser space: Even if your phone is loaded with several other apps, you can still install this app on your smartphone. It takes only 1MB of space on the smartphone.

To get a fast recharge now through Airtel Thanks Lite and save some space in your phone for other apps, you must be an Android user. The Wynk music is available on both Airtel Thanks and Airtel Thanks Lite apps; however, the Airtel Thanks lite takes much lesser space. Enjoy your music on the go with the Airtel Thanks Lite App.

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