Software Development

Last Updated on March 3, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

Software Development is Experiencing a New Normal Too

Shifting to a new digital model was not easy for most businesses as the coronavirus pandemic shocked every industry to the core. Software developers had to create new systems to make way for enhanced customer dynamics and experiences.

Developers took the challenge and delivered. Some builders did more than adjust to the new normal of software development and were able to create long-term models that will persist beyond 2022. Let’s find out about these new advances in software creation and how they meet the rising expectations of consumers in 2022 in our top developer trends.

The Shift to EDA

A third of companies will focus more on electronic design automation or EDA. This industry creates software solutions for hardware or electronic components such as circuit boards and integrated circuits.

EDA consists of software and hardware plus services. The goal of EDA is to assist in the planning, design, use, evaluation, and manufacturing of chips or semiconductor devices. EDA software is very sophisticated but may also combine with physical hardware to enhance efficiency. Hardware is employed when high performance is necessary, such as in the simulation and verification of large amounts of data.

This shift to EDA is due to limitations with distributed application systems when using APIs in integration. This architecture is very fragile and has limited scalability. With EDA, these limitations are addressed, including issues with integration and microservices. 2022 will see the rise of almost 35% of or 1/3 of enterprises relying on EDA.  

Focus on DevOps Tools

In 2022, almost half of software development teams will adopt consolidated DevOps tools. The most trusted developer tools will remain the best tools but many developers will rely on holistic toolkits.

This shift is expected because developers want to automate compliance and governance for their software. Builders want to enhance GitOps adoption and the use of high-value management software. Also, DevOps tools will be the choice of half of the enterprises in 2022, and this may lead to the creation of another platform.

Use of AI Bots

Artificial intelligence will play a huge role in software development as almost all tools will be using AI bots. 2021 was the era of AI with the release of GitHub Copilot, AI stack, and IBM AI for Code. Also, Oracle made headlines this year after releasing a new query language generator.

Given all these AI developments, it’s no wonder this technology will continue in 2022 and for years to come. AI will be a part of almost all development tools which will include natural language and other features in software builders’ toolboxes. These improvements will support the ultimate goal of AI, which is continuous testing on all platforms.

Why More Enterprises are Adapting AI and ML-Enhanced Software

AI and ML is everywhere from code converters, programming assistants, automatic software testing, software security, and more precise cost estimation and planning. reveals that the software development industry uses AI technologies more than any other industry. AI is used together with Machine Learning or Natural Language Processing to automate software development.

Code Compilers

Code Compilers will change the way software developers convert code to machine language. Glow software or may be used as a backend converter for machine learning frameworks that allow code generation and network optimization.

These tools take advantage of machine learning to enhance the speed and quality of compiling large volumes of codes. But just like other code compilers, these are still in development. The launch of these efficient code compilers will probably be in the earlier months of 2022.

Programming Assistants

AI will be the heart of programming assistants. These are popular software development tools that assist the builder with code compiling, debugging, and testing. Some examples of AI-based programming assistants are Codota and Kite, which allow users to create codes in various languages.

Programming assistants utilize code libraries and code lines to enhance syntax. Machine learning helps programmers to write codes minus tedious typing, which improves overall productivity.

Automated Software Testing

Another new normal trend is faster, more efficient, and easier software testing. AI and ML will improve the overall effectiveness and accuracy of testing without making mistakes. With these technologies, debugging and report generating will be simpler and almost automatic. Two popular examples of automated software testing are Test Stigma and Eggplant.

Enhanced Software Security

Because of AI and ML, threats can be easily distinguished from typical behaviors. Alerts can be immediately sent out so developers can quickly act on any security issues. Also, AI can detect malware to enhance an enterprise’s cybersecurity. Malware behaviors are automatically detected, and the threat is stopped before it affect the system.

Better Understanding of User Behavior

ML algorithms can help developers and marketers understand user behavior which helps them create variable content. Adjustments to on-screen elements, including font size, screen size, buttons, etc., may seem basic but can greatly enhance user experience. Developers can make the necessary changes to the code through the data collected by AI and ML.

These technologies will be fully used in many online marketplaces where these can enhance software features to acquire feedback, increase conversion rates, and ease friction points.

Enhanced Decision Making

AI algorithms guide software development into using development methodologies that enhance efficiency and create a better product. AI and ML create key performance indicators that cover different businesses and create frameworks and indexes for easy decision-making. Also, AI and ML-powered software can develop ideal decision-making strategies that can assist developers in creating the best decisions.

Custom-made software can enhance productivity, reduce costs, improve sales, automate business processes, and secure data. With AI and machine learning’s amazing capabilities, expect better and more efficient software development processes to continue in 2022.

Final Words

Businesses are relying more than ever on technologies like AI and ML to understand user behavior better. If you’re still unsure about the future of software development, then it’s time to shed all your doubts. 2022 is the best time to embrace these new tools and technologies to create better and smarter software.

Author Bio

Pranjal Bora works as Head of Product Development at Digital Authority Partners.

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