Home Education Teaching children to write English correctly

Teaching children to write English correctly


Last Updated on March 1, 2024 by Nadeem Ahmed

Learning to write is a technique that children will acquire by entering primary school, where through exercises, association and coordination games, they will gradually learn to master the fundamental tool for communicating and using language in the best possible way.

Even parents at home can help them get closer to writing and improve their technique, as well as grammar and spelling, first by proposing pre-writing games, to train their skills, then more complex exercises, to make them able to write texts of complete sense.

In this blog, you will find a sort of practical guide to teaching your children to write, to get them used to maintain correct positions in the body and in the hand while holding the pen, as well as to help them recognize the letters and trace them precisely and orderly, maintaining a good organization of the paper or any writing support they have available.

Teaching children to write

Among many pre-graphic exercises, there are those to develop the motor skills and manual skills of your children: for example, to accustom them to develop coordination between thumb and forefinger, that is the pinch gesture, you can propose to them to make a shell bracelet or a beaded necklace, or, for creative fun with glue, build a hut made of sticks or popsicle sticks.

Also, the puzzles are very important for the development of the manual of your children because they require the handling of more or less small pieces and to study and evaluate the shape to rotate them and adapt to the adjacent parts in order to be able to compose all figure.

Towards writing through drawing

A fundamental step in teaching your children to write is to go through the intermediate phases that can be identified for learning this technique, first of all, that of drawing.

To help the children to write and make them improve gradually, in fact, you can start to draw them with more tools big, like mass and how to tip, then move on to pens and pencils, the same that will be used to write more often. While the pencil is softer and easier to use, also because it is possible to erase the result in case of errors, the approach with the pen can come later when they have become more skilled in tracing signs and letters and will not have a fear of leaving indelible ink marks.

A rich alphabet

With the completion of the sixth year of age and entry to primary school, thanks to the training done at home, they will be able to follow the instructions of the teachers to learn to write correctly, then to read and do arithmetic.

To understand the shape of the letters well and train in their writing, you can help yourself with the computer: by opening a simple page of the word, you can create a diagram for each letter, representing it in different forms: uppercase, lowercase, italics, block letters and so on. To make your child understand the differences, you can print the sheet and first suggest that he follow the outline of each letter with the tip of his finger to familiarize himself with the movement that he will then have to do next with the pen, and then propose to him to imitate it, repeatedly repeating the type of writing that best suits his skills and taste.

From a letter to the text

In fact, after the third year of primary school, once you have learned and acquired all the secrets of reading and writing techniques, your children will understand that writing is not a simple formal exercise for its own sake, but a useful tool to develop their language and communicate, producing written texts and sentences with complete meaning.

To help them tackle the first spelling, grammar and text analysis exercises, you can practice at home with your children, either by using the appropriate exercise books available on the market or by inventing ways to improve their writing and correctness, Grammar of his sentences. You can see spelling words for 1st grade for dictation to test their spelling analysis.

Conclusion: Excellent help for creative writing is to get him used to stories and narration so that when he has to write a theme or a report for the teacher, he already has an idea of ​​how the development of the text should be developed; to do this, you can also help him to argue and enrich the text with information by asking him a series of detailed questions and then helping him to find binding expressions and phrases at SpellQuiz, which allow him to combine the individual answers, to create a single flowing text and uniform.

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