Last Updated on February 8, 2025 by Bisma Sehar
Fall is a time of major transition. The days grow shorter and give way to cooler nights. Life’s pace seems to slow after the burst of energy we feel during the summer.
It can be easy to put self-care on the back burner as we retreat into our autumn bubbles; that goes for cooler northern climates and is explained by urgent care Philadelphia trends and other cities in the region.
But no matter where you are geographically or health-wise, following these ten tips will help you stay happy and healthy all autumn long.
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1. Drink Lots of Water
Drinking plenty of fluids is crucial even after the summer sun has tucked away for the season. Autumn’s cool, dry air can be just as dehydrating, leaving you more susceptible to colds and the flu. It’s not surprising that many urgent care Philadelphia patients are dehydrated when they check into the clinic.
Increased water intake gives you more energy, regulates body temperature, and promotes healthy skin, hair, and nails. The Mayo Clinic recommends that women drink about 11 cups of water and men drink about 15 daily to reap these benefits.
2. Get Plenty of Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps build strong bones, muscles, and a robust immune system. It also has mood-enhancing benefits and can help fend off seasonal depression.
Known as the sunshine vitamin, our body absorb Vitamin D when sunlight converts the cholesterol in our skin.
If you live in an area without ample sunlight during the fall, consider eating a diet rich in Vitamin D. Eggs and fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel are all great sources.
3. Prioritize Your Mental Health
Mental health is an essential part of an overall healthy life. As the days get shorter and the holidays approach, many people report mental health struggles.
Reduced sunlight can cause seasonal affective disorder, a form of depression. On top of this, many people experience increased loneliness during the holiday season.
Even if you don’t experience these feelings every year, consider finding a therapist to help ease you through this transition.
4. Plan Your Indoor Exercise Routine
If you live in a cooler climate, be prepared for snowfall that could inhibit your ability to exercise outside.
Before the frigid days begin, sign up for a gym membership and get yourself into an exercise routine. A balanced workout regimen of strength training and cardio will keep you physically fit and boost your mood and confidence.
5. Boost Your Immune System With Healthy Foods
Although summer is the most productive growing season, fall also has its bounty of nutritious produce to keep you healthy. Nutrient-rich winter squash, pumpkin, and cruciferous vegetables like kale and broccoli are just a couple of the season’s offerings.
When fall gives way to winter, citrus comes into season. Packed with Vitamin C, these fruits are great for boosting immunity and fighting off infection; that’s why many urgent care Philadelphia clinics patients with Vitamin C for a range of treatments.
6. Get Plenty of Sleep
Getting enough shuteye is important year-round, even more so in the colder months.
Seasonal changes are linked to low mood, weight gain, and decreased immunity, all symptoms of lack of sleep. Aim to get at least seven hours a night to avoid doubling down on these effects.
As your evenings wind down, trade in your devices for a warm bath or meditation session to promote longer, sounder sleep.
7. Get Outdoors and Partake in Fall Activities
With each fall comes many traditional outdoor activities like corn mazes, pumpkin picking, and haunted houses.
Besides being fun, these events are the perfect excuse to get off social media, engage with the community, and get some light exercise and fresh air.
8. Get a Flu Shot
Flu season has been milder the last few years with lockdowns, quarantines, and hybrid work. Even still, the CDC recommends getting a flu shot before November.
Fortunately, it likely won’t cost you; many pharmacies and doctor’s offices offer free shots. Several urgent care Philadelphia facilities also offer vaccines, so explore your options.
Getting the shot contributes to herd immunity and reduces community illness. It will also reduce the number of sick days you will take during the season.
9. Reduce Alcohol Intake
As the holiday season begins, so does football season. For many people, this means a heavy increase in drinking, and the stress of the holidays only exacerbates that.
Although these traditional activities can be a joy of the season, reducing alcohol intake can improve sleep and reduce depression.
10. Spend Time With Friends and Family
Many people retreat to the comforts of home during the fall, then reappear come spring.
With increased isolation due to work-from-home arrangements, there is more reason than ever to get out in the community.
Putting something as simple as a weekly coffee date on the calendar can reduce loneliness and help you from sliding into extended hibernation.
Achieving great health doesn’t mean locking yourself away from all the seasonal fun. If you have a health plan and urgent care Philadelphia or another location near you picked out, you’re ahead of the game.
Getting out into the world and enjoying yourself while maintaining the fundamentals of self-care, exercise, and diet can help you live your healthiest fall.