Home Home Improvement 7 Warning Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation

7 Warning Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation


Last Updated on March 4, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

Bed bugs are no laughing matter. An infestation in your home can be detrimental to your furnishings and your health.

And it’s a lot more common than you might think. It’s estimated that up to 12 million homes in the US suffer from a pest infestation every year.

Bed bugs can wreak reak havoc on a dwelling. It’s critical that you watch out for the early signs of a bed bug infestation to protect yourself and your home.

In this article, we will teach you the 7 warning signs of a bed bug infestation and what you need to do about it.

Read on to find out more.

1. Watch out for Brown Spots

If you suddenly have brown spots appearing on your mattress, clothing, or walls, that could be an indication of a bed bug infestation.

The color you’re looking for is rust or dark brown and they will be in a cluster formation.

Use a strong light and check out any suspicious-looking marks, especially on your mattress.

These brown spots can be the result of the bed bug’s feces and excreted skin from the bed bug’s exoskeletons. It’s an unpleasant thought, but you don’t want to bury your head in the sand when it comes to checking for bed bugs.

2. Look for Blood Stains

Bed bugs can be messy creatures and don’t like to tidy up after themselves. This is why looking out for any blood stains on your mattress, sheets, and pillows can be helpful.

Unfortunately, these critters will take bites out of you whilst you sleep (a horrifying thought!) and leave tiny bloodstains on your bed.

Bed bugs can also leave bloodstains from when they are accidentally crushed by your tossing and turning in your sleep. This is because they will be filled with blood from feeding and then flattened.

This is why it’s important to work with a reputable pest service, to tackle your bed bug infestation as soon as possible.

Check out pestextinct for all your pest infestation needs and bed bug treatment.

3. Musty or Unpleasant Odor

When bed bugs are living in your home, they will emit a sickly and musty odor from the glands in their body.

This is a way the bed bugs can communicate with each other.

The smell is often described as a cross between a sweaty gym and coriander. So if you detect any of those smells in your home (and you’re not cooking with coriander), get it checked out!

4. Red Bumps on Your Skin

If you have a bed bug problem, the chances are that your skin is also going to be affected.

When you wake up in the morning, you may notice red marks and bites on your body.

The general pattern is that bed bug bites will happen around the upper half of your body and will be in a cluster pattern.

The bites tend to have this kind of appearance:

  • Red dots (around 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch in diameter)
  • Multiple bites in a row (can sometimes be in a zigzag pattern)
  • A red circle of skin with hives surrounding the bite

It’s important to recognize that bed bug bites might not always appear straight away. It can take a day or so for your bites to become inflamed or noticeable.

5. Pets Acting Strangely

Pets such as cats and dogs can also detect when your home has an infestation. They might be extra irritable or also have marks on their skin too.

Bed bugs tend to prefer humans but there have been documented cases of pets being bitten by bed bugs.

However, pets can also be susceptible to fleas, so make sure you don’t get the two confused.

6. Disturbed or Broken Sleep

Are you finding that you are waking up in the night more frequently than usual, and you don’t know why?

This may also be in tandem with feeling itchiness or irritation in your upper body.

It could feel like a slight burning sensation, which of course, is not pleasant when you are just trying to get some rest.

These signs could all suggest that you have a bed bug infestation. Bed bugs tend to feed at night, so you are bitten mostly when asleep.

It’s crucial that you get your bed bug infestation looked at as soon as possible. Disturbed sleep or not getting enough rest can have negative consequences for your overall health and well-being.

7. Appearances of Bed Bug Eggs

Female bed bugs that are pregnant will lay between 1-7 eggs a day. These eggs will then hatch in the next 7-10 day period.

Bed bug eggs will have the appearance of pearly white pinheads. They are approximately 1 millimeter thick. They are visible to the naked eye but can be notoriously tricky to spot.

It can be worth using a magnifying glass if you have one and checking your sheets, mattress, and walls.

Pregnant females will want to spread their eggs as wide as possible, so don’t just concentrate your search on one area. Check the whole apartment or home for signs of bed bug eggs.

When they deposit the eggs, they also deposit them with a glue substance so the eggs can stick to walls and other surfaces. Usually, they will choose fabric or soft surfaces, but not always!


Bed bugs are small, brownish insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are notorious for being elusive and difficult to spot, but you should be aware of several warning signs of a bed bug infestation.

First and foremost, the most common sign of a bed bug infestation is bitten on your skin. These bites are often grouped together in a line or a cluster and can be quite itchy. However, it’s important to note that not everyone reacts to bed bug bites, so the absence of bites doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have an infestation.

Another warning sign of bed bugs is the presence of small, reddish-brown bugs on your mattress or sheets. These bugs are typically the size of an apple seed and can be difficult to spot due to their small size and nocturnal habits.

You may also notice small, rust-colored stains on your sheets or mattress. These stains are actually bed bug fecal matter and are often found near the areas where the bugs are hiding.

If you start to notice a musty, sweet odor in your bedroom, this could also be a warning sign of bed bugs. Bed bugs release pheromones that give off a distinct odor, and a heavy infestation can make your bedroom smell quite unpleasant.

Additionally, you may find small, white, oval-shaped eggs or shed skins around your mattress or furniture. Bed bugs molt several times during their life cycle, leaving behind these remnants as they grow.

Finally, if you notice any signs of bed bugs in your luggage after traveling, this could indicate that you brought them home with you from your trip. Bed bugs are notorious for hitchhiking on luggage and can quickly infest your home if not dealt with promptly.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation: What to Do Next?

If you have discovered signs of a bed bug infestation, it can be an unsettling experience for anyone. Especially if it’s something that could’ve been happening for a period of time.

The best thing to do is to strip all your sheets, beds, and soft furnishing and remove all the contaminated surfaces.

Then you’ll need to contact a pest control company that can come and properly fumigate your home. Leave the hard work to the experts!

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