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What is the Certification of Gemstone and the health benefits of real and certified gemstones?


Last Updated on April 10, 2023 by

A number of fake gemstone merchants are already entering the gemstone industry, and in such circumstances, it is important for every person to remain aware of being fooled by these merchants. You need to know how to protect yourself from cheating, and for that, a certification is required for your gem to be genuine.

Gemstone certification is intended to assess a piece of gem based on various quality criteria that have been established to determine the quality and distinct qualities of different gemstones by the gem company. A gemstone specialist has been designated to analyze or quantify the minor detail of a gem unobtrusively and issue a thorough report based on the results of a gemstone analysis. A certification report is called a report provided by a gemologist or a gemstone master.

Why Certification for Gemstone?

Due to the presence of numerous fake and fraudulent gemstone dealers who deceive consumers by selling them colored or synthetic gemstones, the need for gemstone certification appears. Therefore, it is necessary to get a credential with the ultimate goal of limiting certain false practices. There is an existing organization that will particularly examine or evaluate any information into the stone, such as color, form, chemical properties & treatments. A genuine report of Khannagems is being prepared on the basis of which precise descriptions of a particular gemstone covering its weight, carat, color, inclusion, refractive index, etc. are consolidated. Hence, any single insight about a gemstone is disclosed by a gemstone certification. Thus, in addition to gemstones, a consumer who needs to purchase a gemstone must opt for those merchants who offer gemstone certification.

Each gemstone merchant assures its customer these days that he/she is providing a certified gemstone. But the fact is that there are only a few genuine merchants left with a gem offering genuine and valid certification. A consumer should trust the particular merchant who guarantees the issuance of a certificate provided by some other party when buying a gemstone.

Since ensuring its own gemstone does not determine whether a stone is real in view of the fact that a seller can act in order to sell its gems only partially. Third-party certification is also of utmost importance and a client can rely on it intensively. If a gemstone is guaranteed by a reliable laboratory, then the merchant aggressively ensures the quality of the stone. You will also go through the certificate and see whether the stone reflects the value paid by the dealer, and it will show each and every glimpse into the stone that will give you an opportunity to determine whether or not the stone deserves the value the jeweler is asking for.

Gemstone certification Health benefits of authentic gemstones

Gemstone certification and Gemstones have a long history and a glorious history, from living in the depths of the oceans and lands to serving the prestigious people who have been among us for many years and in various ways since ancient times. Gemstones were deemed to be Noble material during the rule of Kings and Queens. They are never beyond the control of average citizens.

In the past, gemstones have been worn as jewelry, but there are few instances where the Greeks and their neighboring countries have also used gemstones for their medicinal benefits for restorative practices. Gemstones are not only limited to displaying success, prestige, prestige, and strength, but we will also have a look at the remedial capabilities of few gemstones for their health benefits.

Neelam or Blue Sapphire

Neelam has major powers and is regarded as an extraordinary gemstone. Neelam has the capacity to act quickly and, if correctly worn with advice and precautions, you will feel the change in yourself within 3 days to 1 month. Neelam may provide remarkable benefits if worn during one’s Sade Sathi or Saturn Cycle. Do not go for the gemstone without taking the astrologer’s expert advice from Khannagems, as the adverse effects can also hurt you. Often go for Neelam gemstones that are truthful and authentic.

Neelam gives some excellent remedial properties that the person wearing it will feel an increase in vital energy and behavior. The gemstone also helps a person with difficulties related to vision and hearing and improves memory. Neelam is known to activate the Ajna Chakra in the human body, according to Astrology, which controls pituitary organs, imagination strength, and creativity.

Pukhraj or Yellow Sapphire

Pukhraj is another valuable gemstone from the Sapphire family and is renowned among different gemstones for its therapeutic properties. Pukhraj assigns much of it, as Jupiter is the Knowledge & Luck planet. The person wearing Pukhraj can be blessed with stronger decision-making skills, helping to make the person concentrate effectively. For people suffering from stomach problems, poor digestive systems, and diseases such as jaundice, Pukhraj may be helpful. In terms of success and wellbeing, wearing Pukhraj during the RahuMahadash or RahuAntardasha can be quite beneficial.

SafedPukhraj or White Sapphire

SafedPukhraj belongs to the family of extraordinary sapphires and is Planet Venus’ gemstone. SafedPukhraj is the answer to Diamonds (Heera) and a very rare stone, according to Vedic Astrology, whose appearance is really rare. SafedPukhraj is renowned for proving its wealth and having a direct effect on wealth & economic power gain. Some health benefits are also offered by SafedPukhraj. This mystical gemstone can be selected by people suffering from reproduction and hormonal problems. In terms of appearance, wearing SafedPukhraj can also be helpful because it has the power to support the person through elegance.

Moonga or Red Coral

The gemstone that has the most advantages belongs to Planet Mars, also recognized as Mangal. Moonga will make you successful and let your enemies & competitors gain the upper hand over you. Moonga also benefits the person from vitality, circulation of blood, and helps to resolve anxiety & lack of motivation. It also encourages you to be rational at times and gives you great thinking capacity.

Taking into consideration that the gemstones should not be artificial that you can choose one for yourself. They should be accredited and verified in laboratories.

Apart from that if you want to know about Why one should wear a Ruby? then please visit our Lifestyle category.

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