What’s Included in a Herbicide Kit? 


    Unwanted weeds can be a huge challenge for any homeowner. Not only are they an eyesore on an otherwise visually appealing lawn, but they can actually impact the health of your yard.  

    These invasive plants compete with other grasses and flowers for sunshine, nutrients, and other resources. They can also attract pests and parasites that can quickly spread and harm the rest of your yard.  

    Luckily, there are plenty of ways to stop these invasive plants in their tracks and maintain a healthy, gorgeous yard. If you have a Zoysia or St. Augustine lawn, one of the most convenient ways to control weeds is with a herbicide kit.  

    Herbicide kits such as the Recognition Herbicide Kit are a safe, cost-effective, and efficient way to remove Bermuda and other weeds. Here’s everything that’s included in a herbicide kit to help fight unwanted weeds and create the perfect lawn.  

    Temperature-Safe Herbicides to Control Weeds 

    Any herbicide kit will come with specialty herbicide to help remove Bermudagrass, sedges, and other weeds from your yard. The Recognition Herbicide Kit in particular comes with two herbicides that form a strong, effective, and safe combination to use on any Zoysia or St. Augustine grasses.  

    Both Recognition and Fusilade II are post-emergent herbicides designed to safely and efficiently control common weeds. The combination of these two herbicides creates a potent mix that’s effective in controlling over 85 annual and perennial weeds.  

    A Spreader Sticker Surfactant 

    While herbicides can be effective on their own, adding a Spreader Sticker can help these products work even faster to remove weeds

    Non-ionic surfactants can be mixed with herbicides or sprayed on your yard for better and faster weed-control results. These products help the herbicide stick and absorb, so you can enjoy a more streamlined process when it comes to creating a healthy yard.  

    And like the herbicides, Hi-Yield Spreader Sticker can be used in a wide temperature range on warm and cool season grasses.  

    Blue Spray Indicator Dye 

    When you’re applying herbicides or any other treatment to your yard, it’s important to keep track of the areas you’ve already treated to avoid missed weeds or costly over-spraying. Indicator dyes such as Turf Mark Blue are the perfect solution to clearly mark where you’ve already sprayed herbicide. 

    Turf Mark Blue is safe to use on all ornamentals and warm and cool season lawns. You simply mix the product with any herbicides or fertilizer and apply it to your yard. The product is ideal for ensuring even herbicide application. And after 24-48 hours, the dye disappears to keep your lawn looking healthy and green.  

    Finding a Fast and Easy Way to Remove Weeds 

    Herbicides, spreader sticker, and indicator dye are the most necessary tools when it comes to killing weeds and creating a pristine yard. And with herbicide kits like the Recognition Herbicide Kit, you can get a safe and effective combination of these products at a more affordable cost. Now that you know what comes in a herbicide kit and the tools you need for weed control, you’re ready to get to work in removing invasive weeds and creating your dream yard. 

    Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Backyard Garden then visit our Lifestyle category

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