Last Updated on February 13, 2025 by Bisma Sehar

Coaching is all about providing assistance to people and guiding them towards their greatest potential. A professional coach helps their clients to recognise their under-explored talents, de-clutter and organise their thoughts so that they can achieve the fullest in life.

An ICF certification helps to validate the skills of a Coach. ICF (International Coaching Federation) accredited coaching credentials are recognised the world over. There are two popular pathways to becoming an ICF certified coach- The Accredited Coach Specific Training hours (ACSTH) and the Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP).

It is often confusing for candidates to pick between these two certifications. What one has to keep in mind is that both ACSTH and ACTP lead to a certification from ICF. whichever pathway a student approaches, applicant need to complete minimum 100 hours of practical coaching sessions with real clients for ACC application and 500 hours for PCC application.

What is ACSTH?

Aligned with ICF core competencies, Accredited Coach Training Hours (ACSTH) is one of the pathways to apply for ICF credentials for coach training. This ICF accredited coach training program is designed for those coaches who want to become ICF accredited coaches.

The ACSTH is also relevant for candidates who may have been called to coach in their professional lives but may not be accredited coaches. The ACSTH allows them to add accredited coaching skills to their existing career.

The ACSTH coach training program requires a minimum of 30 student contact hours after which the candidates may apply for the ACC or PCC Credential if they meet the requirements. 

ICF certified coach training program, ACSTH, is usually a three-month coaching training course. It has minimum 30 hours of coach specific training. The Coach training includes synchronous coaching hours as well as study -time outside of contact hours along with coaching hours. Audio recording and written transcripts of real-time coaching sessions are needed for applying to ICF for their credentials through ACSTH.

Benefits of ACSTH program

  1. ACSTH ICF certified accredited coach training provides credibility to the potential coaches hoping to become accredited by ICF. First level ACC (Associate Certified Coach) credential certificates are achievable through the completion of 60 hours of ACSTH coach training.
  2. Along with first level of 60 hours, with the completion of the second level 65 hours of ACSTH coach training, students can apply for PCC (Professional Certified Coach)
  3. Both of the levels (60+65 hours) can be attended together as part of the ACSTH course.
  4. Hours of ACSTH coaching hours gives a student extensive coaching knowledge, understanding of ICF competencies and ethics, makes them proficient coaches capable of being a part of professional coaching network.
  5. The ACSTH pathway is extremely beneficial for existing HR professionals, leaders and anyone else who coaches as part of their exiting work life. This certification allows professionals to obtain ICF credentials and allows them to take their coaching skills to the next level.

What is ACTP?

A start to finish coach training program, Accredited Coach Training Program (ACTP) is the most popular and fastest training track for acquiring ICF credentials.  This ICF certified coach training program is a comprehensive program which follows the ICF guidelines of coach training. It is cohesive with the Core Competencies and Code of Ethics of ICF. This ICF certified coach training program uses various coaching models, teaching tools, such as mentor coaching and evaluation to assess the competency level of potential coaches.

An all-inclusive ICF certified coach training program, ACTP requires a minimum of 125 hours of observed real-time coach experience. The coach training program course is 4 to 8 months long, completed with classroom monitored training, one-to-one mentor coaching, peer discussions and practical coaching. Applicants with this ICF certified coach training program get minimum 500 hours of practical coaching sessions with real clients. Certification of students take place with term end evaluation.

Why choose ACTP program

  1. This 125+ hour ICF accredited coach training program is an all-inclusive program. It is an advanced coach specific training program, through which a potential coach can earn their ICF credentials.
  2. This ICF accredited coach training program syllabus includes self-study hours, mentor coaching, assignments, peer coaching, practice coaching and term-end written evaluation.
  3. Applicants of ICF certified ACTP coach training program are mentored by ICF professional coaches, who are PCC certified.
  4. On completion of ACTP program, the students possess required coaching training and they themselves can apply for the ICF’s Professional Certified Coach credential (PCC), as well as for ICF Global Membership.
  5. It is a fast way to achieve an ICF credentials, ACC or PCC coach certification. This course is beneficial to both new coaches as well as to the practicing non-certified coaches for earning internationally recognised coaching credentials.
  6. An applicant can become an accredited coach after the completion of ACTP, through 10 hours of mentor coaching and minimum 100 hours of real-time practice coaching and after clearing the Coach Knowledge Assessment (CKA) examination.

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