Home Gaming Best days to play bingo

Best days to play bingo


Last Updated on July 17, 2024 by Asfa Rasheed

You may think that the best day to play bingo is any day. If you’ve never played it before, it’s easy to pick and if you have played it before, you probably enjoy the adrenalin! That’s why it is such a popular game across the world. Children enjoy it, it’s educational for learning numbers and many adults have picked up some significant cash prizes by winning too.

If something is enjoyable, and you can win some money whilst doing it, what’s not to like?

However, it’s not likely that very many people have played bingo on a Monday morning. As it’s such a social game, it’s normally played on Friday nights, or over the weekend – visit barbadosbingo. People play as a way of switching off from the working week.

But is there any science to when you should play bingo?

There’s a general thought that the best time to play bingo is between 8am and 4pm during the week. The majority of people are occupied at work and as a result, the bingo halls are quieter. There will be less competition and mathematically, you’re much likelier to stand a chance of winning.

What’s more, once people start to leave work, the online bingo sites start getting busier. Your chances of winning are reduced as there are more competitors. It’s simple maths really.

However, the bingo sites have thought of this too. It’s quite common for them to reduce the amount of money that can be won during “off-peak” times, when fewer players are online. The bigger jackpots are for when there are more available players.

Because of this, if you’re not interested in the social aspect of bingo when more players are involved, after 4pm is not the best time. If you’re looking to win some prizes, play during the day, but remember that the prizes won’t be so lucrative.

Be savvy about external events

Knowing that the bigger bingo prizes are to be won at the weekend, how can you ensure you stand a higher chance of scooping them? After all, lots of people all across the country are logging on to play at the weekend as a mode of relaxation. Surely then, your chances decrease?

You’ve got to be astute if you’re going to win big at the weekend. This involves knowing what’s going on regarding other events that may be happening, even if you’re not necessarily interested in them.

Even though you may dislike football, knowing that an important match is taking place will lure many of your competitors away. Likewise, the Wimbledon tennis championships, The Masters, or The Olympic Games rake in huge viewing numbers and are often broadcast on terrestrial channels.

If nearly the whole country is tuning into watch England vs Germany in a World Cup penalty shoot-out, your moment’s there to seize! Log on, and see if you can hit the jackpot.

Stay in on sunny days

Lastly, we Brits love a sunny day. When the skies are blue and the sun’s shining, nearly all of us are out in the countryside or parks, slapping on sun cream and enjoying the rays.

This could be your perfect chance too. With more people outside, far fewer people will be online competing against you for that lucrative prize. Maybe it’s worth staying in just for a few hours on a sunny day, especially when there’s big money in play?

Conversely, cold rainy days throughout the Winter months will see far more people stuck indoors looking for ways to entertain themselves. Bear this in mind, and choose your moment wisely.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about How To Choose an Online Casino to Sign-Up To then visit our Gaming category.

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