Creating a Productive Home Working Space

Last Updated on February 10, 2025 by Bisma Sehar

Many of us have had the experience of working from home. Ranging from working full time at home or just a few days a week, both options have taken some getting used to and adjustment time.

If working from home has become a more permanent way of working, it’s important that you’re able to work as effective at home as you do in the office. With some simple, yet effective tips, you’ll be able to adjust in no time!

Limit Distractions

In the traditional office setting, it’s likely you’ll find less distractions as the restrictions are put in place by the employer. For example, not having the radio, no phone use, limited amount of talking. All of which help with being able to get your head down and work harder.

We suggest taking some of these restrictions and applying them to the home office. It’s easy to get distracted when you’re on your own and essentially don’t have anyone watching over you. But to keep focused and motivated, it would make sense to reduce phone usage, keep the TV off and the radio volume low.

Have a Desk Set Up

Having a desk space can make the difference in how we work and the level of comfort we have throughout the day. If working from home becomes a long term plan, investing in a desk set up could be one of the best ideas you have.

Being able to step into a space with your work belongings around you, sets the expectation of the day. It allows for daily structure and organization, helping you to breeze through the busy day head.

Take Scheduled Lunch & Break

Whilst working at home and being stuck to the desk, it’s easy to miss breaks and lunches and to work through them.

This is a big no, no! Working through lunch and breaks is actually less productive and burn out will be reached sooner. Taking the entitled breaks supplies the half an hour or so of down time, to reset your brain and relax. Thus, returning to work energized with a new prospective.

Consider Your Work Room

If the space is available and there’s the option to choose a room, pick the room that isn’t associated with home. What we mean is to pick a room that you can leave at the end of the workday and close the door, leaving work at work.

At the office, it’s easy to leave for the day and detach yourself from work. This should be implemented at home too! Make is achievable to leave work at work and enjoy the out of office hours.

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