Check Out How to Describe and Analyze the Image in PTE Exam

Last Updated on February 11, 2025 by Bisma Sehar

The describe image PTE or explain the picture question type is the third prompt type in the actual PTE exam, and it assesses your ability to describe the essential aspects of an image in a short amount of time. If you prepare correctly and know the tips and methods for dealing with this question type, the speaking section is the most straightforward part. 

It gives you 25 seconds to prepare and scribble down the main aspects from the presented image, and Canvas Picture Prints then you have to start explaining the image for 40 seconds after the buzzer sounds. It may be pretty chaotic if you are not well equipped with the framework of adequately expressing a picture.

If you wish to verify your level of readiness before taking the PTE mock exam or the PTE test, free PTE practice can help you identify and improve on your mistakes.

Types of Describe Images in the PTE Exam

You will face many sorts of images in the describe images PTE test, such as:

  1. Maps
  2. Pictures
  3. Bar graph
  4. Table
  5. Line graph
  6. Flow chart illustration
  7. Pie chart
  8. Venn diagram

During the PTE academic test, you will be asked to identify six different images. Englishfirm PTE Parramatta says the PTE assessment system will look at how you describe the imagine and its elements, and how you structure your response and whether is natural and smooth. Any picture or item description is not complete unless it contains three elements. First, there is an introductory statement; second, there is a significant highlight point; and finally, there is a conclusion. 

Using these three aspects when explaining the visual, the PTE algorithm is likely to award you higher grades than the image described randomly. Your response to the describe image PTE test is graded according to your verbal fluency and articulation.

The format you Need to Memorize for a Given Image of Describe Image PTE

  • PTE’s First Statement Describes the Image:

The supplied (picture kind, for example, Bar Graph) illustrates, portrays, or depicts…

(Title, followed by the X-axis and Y-axis if the graph is a bar graph or line graph, or what the graphic is about)

  • Add an Image’s Central Idea:

Compare the greatest and lowest position or tendency of the graph or chart, as well as the amount of each other. You can only add one or two significant points, such as the graph’s highlight. It is not necessary to go through all of the issues. Try practicing with the PTE practice exam in the speaking area to increase your total score, and PTE describes the image.

  • Mention Conclusions in the PTE Describe Images: 

Don’t worry; you will not fail if you make an incorrect assumption. It is only the algorithm that requires the image’s interpretation. The conclusion might last 6 to 7 seconds when you explain a picture.

Tips and Tricks for Describe Images PTE: 

  1. When speaking, avoid ‘umming’ and ‘urring.’ This will lower your oral fluency and overall grade. 
  2. Remember to prevent grammatical errors when writing the statement.
  3. Prepare this framework and practice it repeatedly until you can talk in this way automatically. 
  4. Practice presenting in the format provided here-
    • 10 seconds to introduce the topic
    • 20 seconds for emphasizing essential themes
    • 6 seconds for the closing
  5. Don’t attempt to talk for the entire 40 seconds. Stop speaking before the 36-second mark, since if you continue for 40 seconds, you may miss the ending and lose marks.
  6. Following the completion of the introduction, the following stage is to describe the graph’s highlighting component. You may look at the highest factor and shifting patterns over the years listed. You can also describe any constant factors, such as the lowest component in the picture. However, try to explain it in 20 seconds or less. Try to communicate coherently. Keep in mind, SPEAKING WITH FLUENCY AND Diction = SUCCESS.
  7. The most significant PTE Speaking Describe image advice is to practice and be equipped with the template. You may utilize your free PTE practice tests with an assessment to put these recommendations into practice. The PTE exam will have 3 to 4 describe image PTE questions.

Overall, the key to improving your describe image PTE score is to practice and be accurate with your template, which will offer you a better score. Even if you have taken a sufficient number of PTE sample tests, you will lose marks for PTE Speaking if you are unfamiliar with the scoring methodology.

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