Go Now to get your essays written quickly

Last Updated on February 15, 2024 by Nasir Hanif

If you have come to a deadline and don’t know where to start then get up and go now. A collection of the following short essay writing strategies can assist you in completing this impossible work. These are the primary stages you would typically follow while creating a paper. Before we get to them, we’d want to emphasize that the most critical aspect of a fast-written essay is meticulous preparation, keeping track of time, and staying on topic.

1. Eliminate distractions

For those serious about learning how to write an essay quickly or how to title an essay, the first step should be to avoid using social media while working on an essay. Begin by concentrating your attention on the task at hand. Remove all distractions from your environment. Make a concerted effort to make this work.

2. Recognize the Essay Prompt

Generally, the majority of essays included on tests and examinations are prompted. The prompt is a topic for an essay that has been assigned to the writer. When this occurs, it is critical to grasp precisely what the prompt wants the writer to accomplish.

The following techniques can assist you in rapidly comprehending an essay prompt:

• Reread the prompt several times to ensure that the prompt’s outcome and intent are clear.

• Is the prompt requesting a presentation of data or an argument? If the writer makes an argument when they should be presenting, the essay is jeopardized.

• Is the writer required to advocate a certain point of view in response to the prompt? Writers should choose the side with which they are most comfortable arguing.

3. Create a mock outline of your thoughts

 No matter how much time you spend writing your essay, it will be ineffective if you are unable to organize your thoughts. This is putting down the words that are now in your head so that you can not only see them but also identify their relationship. This will serve as the foundation for your paper’s structure. To begin creating an outline, you will begin by writing your topic at the top of a blank piece of paper. List your key notions first, and then lesser concepts that connect to the bigger ones.

4. Compose the body paragraphs

 This is where you will elaborate on your argument and clearly explain your subject. Each topic that you jotted down in your outline will be expanded into a distinct paragraph in the essay’s body. Each paragraph should have the same structure. Begin by including one of your central concepts in the introductory sentence. Add your supporting, or secondary, idea here. Maintain proper sentence structure, but you may find it beneficial to leave a couple of lines between each point to allow for additional information if necessary.

5. Keep the introduction and conclusion to the very end

Perhaps unexpectedly, the opening and conclusion of an essay are sometimes the most difficult sections to write. Therefore, leave them until last. After you’ve completed the body of the essay, writing the introduction and a concluding summary should be much easier, as you’ll already have spent considerable time developing your argument and will be intimately familiar with it.

6. Never Underestimate the Importance of Revision (5-10 Minutes)

This step is critical, so allow sufficient time for it. Throughout the revision process, pay close attention to the paragraph’s overall structure, thesis statement, and key sentences. Then, check to see whether everything in your writing is related logically. Following that, check for mistakes and typos. Voila! Your essay is complete and ready to submit.


It is never easy to write a high-quality essay. However, if you follow the tips above, you can write an exceptional essay on your own. Alternatively, you may contact an online essay assistance agency to have it written by a professional writer.