
Last Updated on February 16, 2024 by Saira Farman

A study by Glassdoor found that high-performing sales professionals can snag a sweet six-figure salary. In stark contrast, the mean salary for an average role in sales is just above $41,000.

So, what separates highfliers from the rest? A survey run by CSO Insights found that top-tier performers have more training under their belts.

Any sales training program requires a colossal dedication of time, effort, and focus. You need to put in the work day after day, track your progress, and tweak your approach. But, if you stick with it, you can see results and blast your income to the next level.

This article dives into some specific areas where sales training can do wonders for your income.

Training to keep your skills current

We live in a rapidly changing marketplace. New products and services keep leaping up over the horizon. Also, the customer’s needs and wants are rarely static. To continue raking in orders, salespeople need to understand and respond to these shifts promptly and effectively, which can be a bear of a task.

Well-curated training programs help you stay on top of these changes so you can adapt your selling strategies accordingly. Keeping your skills fresh can also help you stay one step ahead of the competition and scale your career.

Handle objections

In sales, objections pop up like weeds in a vegetable garden. According to Invesp, 60% of customers hit the no button 4 times before saying yes. Sadly, 92% of salespeople throw in the towel after receiving no sales on the 4th call.

To the untrained, objections are viewed as threats. However, in their sales programs, trainers help attendees embrace them as opportunities. That is opportunities to build rapport, establish trust and communicate the value of what you’re selling. Sellers who can tackle a buyer’s objections have a 64% chance of strutting away with a win, according to a study by WebStrategies.

Ask questions

Effective selling requires a solid understanding of human behavior. That’s why knowing how to ask questions is a critical skill in a salesperson’s arsenal. Besides knowing what to ask, salespeople need to nail the timing. Asking a great question at the right time can be the difference between a successful interaction or a strained one.

Sales training programs teach you how to craft illuminating questions that provoke informative conversations. Those that can help you get to the heart of customer needs and requirements. You also learn the most opportune time to pose a question.

This skill can help show that you deeply care about the prospect’s situation and want to help. As a result, you’re more likely to build rapport and trust, which are essential ingredients for a successful sale and lucrative career. Showing that you care can also help turn customers into brand advocates. This helps to build repeat business.

Time management

Salespeople often have a mountain of activities to tackle. They need to juggle customer meetings, calls, emails, and a variety of other tasks daily during a typical week. However, not all these activities are created equal.

In fact, a lot of them pull the attention, focus, and energy away from high-value tasks. According to a survey by XANT Labs, non-revenue generating activities devour 63.4% of salespeople’s time. Hence the pressing need for time management skills.

Time management training programs can teach you how to work optimally. You can learn how to better prioritize your time, so you don’t get bogged down by low-value tasks. This can help increase your productivity, which could kick up your sales numbers. Also, by learning how to use your time optimally, you can have a life outside of work where you can enjoy your hard-earned wages.

Next steps

An effective sales training program can be like a shot of espresso for your confidence. It can jolt you awake and help you see opportunities that you might have missed before. Here’s what to look out for when choosing a training program in sales:

  • Offers both online and in-person training – This allows you to learn at your own pace online and then practice what you’ve learned in person with a coach or mentor.
  • Customizable – Every salesperson is different, so you’ll want a program that you can tailor to your individual needs.
  • Top rated and reputable – Look for a training program that many other salespeople have reviewed positively.

Read More: Sales Operations Best Practices – A Brief Guide

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