Traumatic Brain Injuries

Last Updated on February 8, 2025 by Bisma Sehar

Any severe head injury that causes physical or mental disability over time is considered a brain injury. Any accident or fall, as well as by sports-related injuries, violent crimes, or poor medical care, can cause traumatic brain injuries. Your family can be entitled to compensation for medical costs, lost wages, pain, suffering, and other damages if another party’s negligence

 brought on the injury.

The type of head trauma and the extent of injury are used to categorize brain injuries. The classification of a brain injury will affect how a lawyer builds a case and the types of damages sought.

Closed head injury

A closed head injury results when the brain is injured without visible damage to the skull. Whiplash or head collisions with car windshields are common causes of these kinds of injuries. The brain can enlarge inside the skull, exerting tremendous pressure on the body’s sensitive tissues and nerves and resulting in long-term damage.


A concussion is known as a mild closed brain injury that results in swelling. A concussion usually allows the brain to heal, but if swelling persists and the patient is left unconscious for an extended period, substantial brain damage may occur. Furthermore, severe harm or even death could ensue from a second concussion before the initial injury has healed.

Multiple Lesions

An injury that causes localized swelling (contusion), blood clots (hematoma), or bleeding (hemorrhage) and adds to the pressure on the brain is referred to as a “mass lesion.”

Diffuse injuries

Diffuse injuries entail tiny alterations dispersed across the brain and are frequently challenging to identify. These wounds can harm nerve fibers and result in ischemia, which happens when insufficient blood gets to a given area of the brain and causes brain damage.

Closed head injuries with bleeding and edema can be extremely dangerous. It is necessary to receive emergency medical care to relieve the pressure built up around the brain.

Open head injury

Anything that pierces or breaks the skull causes an open head injury. The problem can worsen if open wounds become infected, which can also physically harm the brain. Penetrating wounds and skull fractures are the two basic categories of open head injuries.

Skull fractures

Any part of the skull is susceptible to fractures, and a linear fracture is the most frequent kind and involves breaks or cracks in the skull. Some linear fractures are minor, but if a bone fragment presses into the brain—a condition known as a depressed skull fracture—it can seriously harm the brain. 

The sutures that connect the bones as they grow together during childhood are also susceptible to fractures. However, the fracture that occurs at the skull’s base is the most severe.

Penetrating injuries

Penetrating wounds happen when anything enters the skull and harms the brain, which often happens in shootings, stabbings, and auto accidents.

Summing up

The symptoms of traumatic brain damage may not appear for days after the accident and are not always noticeable immediately. So it is best to get immediate medical attention. Afterward, a skilled traumatic brain injury lawyer in New Jersey can help you seek compensation if negligence contributed to your injury.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know about What Are the Benefits of Having a Brain Injury Lawyer? then visit our law category.